Back to the OP i guess, of course GDKP leaders don’t care about you or what you want.
Do you think SR/MS/OS leaders care about you too?
People don’t put their time and effort into forming a PUG of idiots out of the goodness of their heart, they do it because they want something. MS/OS leaders will res items, BoEs, floor mats etc. GDKP leaders have this baked into the system via admin cuts, it’s all the same.
Seriously, what exactly are you expecting? Strangers on the internet doing work for you for free?
My point the player killed the game, you can point the fingers at blizzard they told us hands off approach with decision being made from the playerbase.
WotLK is the peak and downfall, we hit the peak with the dodge nerfs its all downfall from here on.
Its too late for the solution greed is clearly the priorities of people.
Ive ran all types of raids as a raid leader both classic and retail, and cant determine a solution that doesnt invole personal loot. No matter the type of run you will always have someone complaining about stupid pixels this is just an addiction in the end. Its not healthy for you and not the correct way to play this game.
Dodge nerf? You mean the dodge fix?
Prior to the fix, some tanks were able to achieve near 100% passive avoidance, this is clearly not intended behavior.
GDKP has existed essentially since the beginning of the game, in my opinion it’s the perfect PUG loot system. If you want an item, you bid higher. If nothing you want drops, you still get paid. Everyone walks away from the raid with some kind of benefit and no one feels completely screwed over by bad RNG, item res drama or some other silly thing. No one wastes time.
Modern gaming is all about game time efficiency, spending hours every week rolling and losing on items is very inefficient. Spending the same hours getting paid for your efforts then buying the item you want is efficient. It’s a natural evolution of gaming, to lean into min/maxing time.
Those who are left behind dreaming of the old days will cry.
Why personal loot?
Look at all the posts supporting gdkps, first sentence i can tell they dont know what it was like to be in a guild post WoD.
Being baited to spend money ontop of a sub when they couldve played skyrim that wouldve respected their time better.
Youve repeated the above, yeah its perfect when RMT doesnt exists, so honestly your post has no value chief.
Its a dodge nerf, yes it was never intended because this a scuffed version of wrath, paints a picture.
They overtuned stuff and had oversight of so many issues.
I saw you saying im a casual, look ive probably done more raids than you, its not my point, im doing this out of love for the game, however i can assure you im not a casual lmafo.
You know what they call this process ? Deflation. Because of the supply being higher than the demand, the prices fall (or stay, whilst the amount of circulated gold increases), thus making the gold worth more in relation to what you can buy with it.
The only inflation that exists in wotlk classic happens in the small area of the game where there is even remotely something like exclusivity, like “rare” drops, or getting stuff as fast as possible.
Inflation/Deflation is normally based on supply and demand.
Hyperinflation can be based on too much currency being around, but as wow proves, since there is a near limitless supply of consumable goods (due to bots) there is no inflation ever found on those goods.
Multiple characters cloth and titansteel cds. Selling frozen orbs. Runed orbs went for 2k+ early in the phase, sell them on multiple chars. Hell, boe ulduar patterns went for 5-10k each to begin with. Was easy gold. Thats just a few examples. Sounds like you should spend more time figuring out how to play the game instead of crying on here and maybe you wouldnt be apparenty broke.
You can say GDKP’s if you started in Classic and you made gold by doing totem runs from ZG. They sold for a 400g flat each run, I honestly regret not doing any ZG GDKP’s while it was good.
If you have 5K GS on “several toons” why do you care about GDKP? That makes zero sense and if it does not make sense, then it is not true.
I personally don’t run GDKP’s because I have a guild but if others want to run them, what do I care? Now I’d care if I did run GDKP’s and someone took advantage of me (which is what I suspect has happened here w/your rant).