GDKP leaders = scum

They want your gold that is all.

Theyre not your friend they just want your gold so they can pay their mortage off.

Its a second income a 2nd bussiness.

Ita scum, predatory behaviour, i love how the incentives are to cash up your mates no care for the new player, youve gatekept the game and killed it.

This is why you will always be scum.


Its the best pug loot system.


Yes when bots dont exist and people dont swipe their credit card for 200k for a raid. But this happens every run.


Do you need help getting into a raid we can help you🥺

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Nah im good m, 5k gs on several toons without spending copius ammounts of gold on gear.
Seriously how dumb is it for a tank to drop $100 on a trinket so he can tank a boss eaiser for said group.

Like helllllooooooooooooooooo you remmeber that vendor annoucement right? Hope that stings


Umm, some gdkp’s are way more open than “regular” raid.

See Illidan in TBCC. Most normal raids meta was 1 rogue, if that. And usuall that rogue for guilds was THE rogue. that spot was taken. Hope the guild grows to B and C teams. Or pug it and hope to be the best parsing rogue.

GDKP would see 3 rogue aspirants and take them all. 3 rogues while complicating the raid…meant a real nice pay day. 3 rogue bid war on the glaives. Then 2 warriors sign up.

Now its 5 players on less than loved classes. Watch that pot grow fast.


Please send us a template letting us know how much gold you have and what items you need so we can match you up with aomeone to milk both of you


You can believe what you want mate.


Im correct. This is my gate now.


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Idk i been running in the same gdkp communities for the last 2 years


People will still buy the items in 10m until it launches cuz why do 40 heroic+ when u can just raid until then

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2 years is not a lot, if you receive your gold cut via mail i have news for you.

I mean i been in a few gdkp communities since classic launched.

I dont get my cut via mail.

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Sounds like youve got some decent leaders to a degree then, unfortunately dime a dozen far to many that send it via mail.

What’s wrong with getting it in the mail?

Gargul mails it for you

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You are prolly looking at trade chat gdkps and not discord gdkps.

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This is the golden question, the vendor is for people chasing spefic items trinkets and nebula band ring a mind.

Highly contested loot, the money spent on these pixels could fund a nation.

You must not get my point.

I love the players and dont want their hard earn money to be robbed.

Ive watched the gdkp scene before classic and its entire lenght to date. Im telling you now its not in a healthy state.


The people doing gdkps have gold tho.

To you 50k is a lot but to these people 50k is a payout per week.


Inflated gold, if it continues the gold will just keep going up and it will be a repeat of retail. Blizzard solution is a longboi

I sure do love doing all my dailies on my 10 levels 80s so i can buy one piece of hardmode gear every fortnite.

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