GDKP leaders = scum

If you dont do gdkps gold is irrelevant

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Were slowly getting there, yes gold is pointless.

50k is not a lot
But 250k on dark matter is when i know it be obtained from a week of H+

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It already is.

Unless you gdkp.

Fuel of a gdkp is gold then?

So why are the lesders doing it again, read my first line.



You cant say that about all gdkps.

Got most my gear off gdkp . Working on 7/7 schedule i cant be there each week for a guild run so I have to pug . Gdkp has been the best thing for me . Serious groups , no afk , no offline. And in the long run i have not spend any gold i got it all back from the runs i got nothing. Ive run with 5 different leader and none of them is like you describe.


Thats great and awesome youve had fun, but dude that money couldve gone to better places, no cope will get around that.

Your excuses to make gdkp a normal is a joke, pure honks

A magic man never reveales their secrets.

Only if you get stupid with the bidding. With reasonable bidding you make back all you put out I am told.

Now if you go the nuclear option with the bidding and drop say 20Kā€¦well then you hope the pot split gets that back.

Kind of like IRL lol. back when still viable Iā€™d hit up atlantic city when I lived in Jersey. Unless you got stupid with the betting you could walk away break even.

Small goalsā€¦have them. My small goals were gas and tolls and the buffet for me and significant other covered. Break evenā€¦worked. A day at the casinoā€™s and I left no poorer than I started. Good job! All expenses covered so I was even.

If I made even an extra say $40ā€¦well I was up $40. Woohoo. The house didnā€™t win! Better than some leaving in the hole anyway.

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Not mutually exclusive.

The issue is Blizzards failure to control RMT.

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What money are you talking about?

RMT happens everywhere in this game.

And itā€™s the source of almost every problem.


What problems?

Blizzard does everything it possibly can to keep 15$ coming out of your bank account every month (except good game design)

And you are mad at other people for *checks notesā€¦making money?:rofl:

Do you snitch to your boss if someone you work with gets a big tip or finds some extra money on the side, because thatā€™s the type of person you sound like

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Sadly thereā€™s no fixing it at this point. Time to get rich doing some old content GDKPs on those 5k GS toons

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Me: Blizzard should control RMT

You:Stop stitching

Ok thatā€™s enough.


someone is VERY salty that they are either

  1. not getting into good GDKP groups
  2. getting outbid on stuff he wants.

someone wasnt raised right.


Blizzard has other titles loaded with RMT

Just because wow has RMT behind closed doors doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not designed that way

How about u stop complaining and start getting paid

Itā€™s wrong but blizzard would have stopped it if they cared

listen to the actions of blizzard not their wordsā€¦

They support gdkp and they clearly dont care where the gold comes from period

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You know what would fix this? The WoW token. That way you can RMT and not feel bad doing it.


Greed is one hell of an addicition

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