The GDKP market works because it has a reliable source of income.
That source of income is gold provided by the “community” which can be farmed but, unfortunately, also consists of third parties who sell gold to people who do not want to farm anymore.
GDKP organizers will take that gold without asking any questions and they benefit from it because they’re not cheating by buying the gold themselves. They’re essentially accepting handouts from players who are.
GDKP runs are great for bots, however. GDKP organizers are essentially money-launderers. Through GDKP, the bots accounts have a means of recycling gold where regular Players are used as as a proxy.
The way players will try to earn gold and remain competitive is to rely on GDKP runs. They will do this regardless of the fact that GDKP indirectly keeps bot system up and running. Here’s how the current system works:
Bots have major influence over the gold market. If you’re buying Black Lotus, Plaguebloom, Arcane Cystals, Golden Pearls, or whatever else you need, you won’t have any clue as to whom you’re buying your stuff from. Is it a bot or is it a real player?
Unfortunately the AH does not allow you to vet anyone putting stuff on the AH. Moreover, anyone can create an alt and place stuff on the AH without drawing any attention to their mains. Nevertheless, people continue to pay for things on the AH with their gold, regardless of who the seller is.
After you’ve paid for an item on the AH, where does that gold go?
If it’s a bot, the gold goes to the bot. The bot can then trade it to other players in exchange for real-world money. The bought gold is then spent on any number of things, but key of which is GDKP items.
Anyone remember the guy who spent 198k for Gressil? Of course you do!
So, after the GDKP run has been concluded, the gold everyone paid is then pooled and distributed. But where does it go next? Naturally, it be used to buy more things on the AH which have been farmed by bots.
And the cycle continues…
Here’s what this looks like more simplified:
Bots farm mats (Black Lotus, Plaguebloom, etc)
GDKP Raiders spend gold to buy mats from Bots
Bots sell gold to Player A
Player A uses gold they just bought to bid on items in GDKP Raid
GDKP Raiders walk away with lots of gold
GDKP Raiders spend gold on mats
and those mats were farmed by Bots…
The problem with the community isn’t bots. It’s players who are taking other players’ gold without question because it benefits them to do so. It’s like saying, “I’m not cheating. I’m just paid by those who do cheat.”
And people will excuse themselves from any fault by saying things like, “Hey, how am I supposed to know where the gold is coming from?!”
As if they weren’t going to accept a payout either way.
Moreover, the Gehennas Server example with the 198,000g payout for Gressil shows that the people running GDKPs do NOT care about their community. They really only care about stocking their wallets.
Every “normie” who is trying to play the game according to Blizzard’s rules is getting screwed by GDKP.