GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

every Frostfiire thread must only be responded to with the utmost seriousness.

Side note this is my first time as female gnome and I love the casting animations lmao I feel like Yoda wrecking some storm troopers

“I like illegal gold” wasn’t too compelling to me.

Imagine liking legal gold.

What a nerd.

I would link you it but I’m on mobile rn so that’d require too much work to scroll up.

I’m on mobile as well, and I agree it’s too much effort to scroll past all my admirers posting about me.

Ok Mr. Popular settle down there, I’ll link you it when I’m done eating

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We admire you like we admire Simple Jack.

We’re proud of him when things make him ha-ha-happppppy.

and this, my friends, is the forums on a GOOD day

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Well, here’s the thing. Whatever it says boils down to this: “I like illegal gold.”

Anything beyond that is just window dressing.

I mean if you’re going to take that position before you even see it then I’m not going to bother to dig it up for you. But if you would give me your word you’d review it in good faith, I’d go ahead and link it since I’m literally a saint.

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I absolutely take that position.

You think there’s anything I haven’t heard on the topic of GDKPs?

Idk maybe, you learn something new everyday right

Learn? I don’t come to the forums for knowledge; I come for entertainment.

He’s just a bad troll.

At least Frosstfire is entertaining.

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Where is your intellectual curiosity? Can’t you channel that here for just a bit

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Zaalg and intellect should never be in the same sentence.

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Who is this frostfire

Human nature fascinating. Where else can you interact with people and get such intense reactions? In real life people are reserved. Here they go nuts.

In real life you’d probably not make eye contact with anyone as you buy your depends.

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