Do it it’s my only hard counter
What does your wife think about her 50 year old husband asking people on the WoW forum if they are obsessed with you?
“Hunny, this guy named Jeddite is so obsessed with me! I am winning!”
signs divorce papers
Well yeah if everyone is geared then it’s an even playing field
Crudlord, please note that I am responding to your comment aka i am obsessed with you. It’s only weird if you make it weird, tho.
But who wants that?
Did you not use Oddjob? Did you not use the AK/M4/Aug? Did you not use Ghost/Dead Silence? Did you not fly the little bird in BF4? Did you not did you not did you not???
I actually think there’s some wisdom in your ramblings here, it does feel good to get something op nobody else has and to go seal clubbing
I got my bre week 3 or 4
It was like a month ago when I saw an Enhancement Shaman with Hand of Rag and he walked up and took 1 golf swing at a Priest and he died instantly.
That Shaman was having a GREAT time.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
Well like I said I do like competition and content like arena is all well and good but I really don’t take classic/unrated content seriously so having stupid op stuff is fine in my eyes
Like if you’re raging over losing an unrated av or wsg in classic 2025 you need to step outside and take a breath
I have almost gotten banned being drunk and screaming at the horde when they are playing incredibly stupid.
Yeah, my competitive side gets the better of me too sometimes but like I said, I usually get a grip and flex my biceps in my mirror being like damn I’m so hot, I’m better than raging at people and I come right back and q it back up
That’s better than crying in the mirror like Zaalg.
Insecurity is a bad look, hope he gets some help
Insecure? People can’t stop talking about me.
But of course they’re not talking about GDKPs, because they’ve given up trying to defend them. I’m rather proud of that.
You two have replied to each other over a dozen times now. DO U JUST NOT SEE how obsessed you are with each other?
I’m so obsessed with you now
Well, I feel like they made logical reasonings 500 messages ago as to why they prefer GDKPs but they’ve been buried by a whole lot of nonsense
Swiggity Swooty I’m Coming for That Booty. Back to the graveyard you go.