GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

Hey maybe you need to just calm down and stop obsessing about Zaalg.
This fury cannot be good for your heart (something Zaalg knows about, given his advanced age and familiarity with unchecked emotional outbursts).


I’m not done obsessing over you yet, don’t think you’ve escaped me

Oh idk I feel like there’s a lot of irl examples of people going wild

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it just wont work out between us, unless Blizzard adds race/faction change (to Classic) and you metamorphize into a lumbering muscle-orc bro.

Holy sh*t I’m getting rejected because of my height in game too, this is wild
Okay I cringed a bit typing that that’s enough of erp for now

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“They dont want to discuss GDKPs!”

“I can link some posts to discuss”

“No ill take my ignorant troll stance and not discuss it”

This dude is 50.

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unless im mistaken, the ‘Social Contract’ hasnt been updated to demand that I not judge players based on their in-game height (and pigtails).

B r o what is wrong with my pink pigtails

Nothing really – the better to cast your kind feet first into The Great Sea.

This is unreal
Help blizzard I’m getting bullied

Cringe af yikes


You look high as a bloody kite get help.

I see no problem with this statement

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This is like the third time today I’ve heard something like this.

Maybe it’s a sign I should watch it…

But I don’t know if I can pull myself away from this soap opera.

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Gf and I watched it, well worth it
I won’t say I can guarantee it’s better than your soap opera but I want to


coded language to mask your obsession with Level 23 Warlocks


stop leaking my secrets Jeddite

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Nothing will beat the season finale tomorrow when Zaalg streams himself raiding with all of us in discord.

Wheelchair pov
wait wtf is changed off my gnome this is unacceptable

Now it’s the DEI version.