GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

It’s very good GDKP has been banned. It not only reduced RMT but it also cut down on illicit money laundering from in game and IRL.

It cut out huge swaths of illicit activity from the game making the game a better place.

It’s probably the best thing Blizzard has done for WOW Classic in a long time.


no GDKPs just means I grind to Rank 10 and wear the blue PVP set until TBC, instead of GKDPing my way to full Druid T2 for <500G. :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:


The little kids are still slaving away in their third world countries. The goons in USA and Europe are still buying gold. “Traditional guild and social structures” in 2025 is still a joke.

Regular players who have enough time in their adult life to play 5-20 hours a week, who pulled their weight in raid and contributed to full clears, are leaving the game.

That does not sound like the best thing Blizzard has done in a long time. The best thing they have done in a long time, and perhaps only good thing they have done in a long time, is re-release classic in the first place.


Thankyou blizzard. Please continue this policy into future developments of the game!

Much love ya boy drinknblink

Banning GDKPs reduces the crime rate in Azeroth. Big W


Yes it’s a huge W.

This thread generating no where near the hate! Clear sign that it was a good decision and the vocal majority were right.

We just keep on winning

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You mean the majority.

GDKP haters are the majority.

It’s was just a band aid. Actually perma banning gold buying, I wonder how much of the population would disappear?


It was necessary since they aren’t banning everyone and can’t catch everyone immediately.

You are living in a fantasy world where rules are enforced 100% of the time when that never happens with any laws in the real world.

This is a naive mentality to have. When you get older you will realize partial solutions are worth doing even if they aren’t perfect.

The world isn’t black and white.

You can see how parasitic this system is just based on current threads going

You do gdkps remember.

Stop pretending to be anti gdkp

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I hope you’re one of them.

I try to defend GDKP when I can, but when I find myself on your side along with that gaslighting rogue, I cringe a little.

While I think it certainly was a use-case, I don’t think GDKP was used exclusively for money laundering. It 100% is a paid carry though. Where you land on that is entirely up to you, but personally I’m glad it’s banned. In some parts of the game, at least.

It seems a bit off for Blizzard to ban GDKP but not shut down paid boosts or even paid item reserves. Sometimes I feel like Blizzard reached for a PR move without actually understanding why it was important. Like, you read their post on the matter and it seems to hit all the right notes, but then you look at their actions and follow through and it starts to feel empty.

Ah well.

It is not a paid carry…

The more you guys talk the more it shows you have no idea


Are under geared players with no gold welcome in your GDKP runs?


It’s not you’re wrong.

The whole thread is wrong.

Not in the gdkp discords I do.

You’re getting kicked for underperforming and leeching .

Saying it’s all carries is disingenuous

I am your feces friend, until the end.

So… paid carry :white_check_mark: