GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

You and the 2 trolls who high five you can enjoy your time and act as if you won anything except embarrassment.

Nobody cares.

The UD Strat champion is here!

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They can’t get on topic, because they’ve given up defending GDKPs. So their topic now is personal insults.

But I am enjoying the show.

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Yeah but the game isn’t about the pug scene anymore, the game is about the money and the consumables now, can look at current forum topics for that perversion

It was some pretty impressive tanking on my part given the group comp and our combined gear level. No drops for my warrior though :frowning:

Do you ever say anything that doesn’t sound like you have a severe head injury?

The game is about whatever people want to make it. I make it about PvPing (which usually means raiding for broken items I need for PvP), so the consumables and gold don’t mean anything to me. I raid with my guild every week. GDKP’s are just better for my limited play time to play an alt. Largely because they’re held to higher standards of play than pugs and even most guilds.

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Do you, have at, but don’t expect the people who are trying to push the capitalism out of their relaxation time not to get frothy, most of us are here to avoid the rat race and don’t like reminders

(ironically said from work lol)

Classic is a business to a lot of players. Not just an in-game business, but one out of game as well. People make their living off this game. Literally millions of dollars in the RMT Classic trade.

I miss when it was just a game.

My name is crudlord

Huh! I guess not.

All kidding aside, this is why the objective perspective is valuable, don’t make me part of your daily rituals buddy

Sorry, don’t love you enough to hate you

See? Thats solid and fair commentary.

Its a shame we have so many cheats playing this game because with zero RMT, GDKPs could potentially be a cool community tool.

I’d argue the traditional pug loot systems are more of a rat race. People will happily step on anyone around them to make progress themselves. HR and SR are disgusting loot systems and I hate both of them.

I agree. It’s also a real shame blizz won’t do anything about it because they hit the ban GDKP’s button and now they’re back to stealing eachothers milk or whatever instead of fixing their game. I love zoning in and out of a raid 20 times to get rid of a bug that causes my entire screen to BE BRIGHT NEON GREEN.

I’m all about the freudenfreude, Reserves are trash, play the game to play, if you’re crawling through glass for candy the candy aint worth it

Look at that, someone actually talking about GDKPs. I have him on ignore since I think he’s one that completely flipped out a few days ago.

not gonna lie that sounds heroic haha

I remember ICC heroic loot vendoring for less because it has HEROIC written on it in tacky green letters

You dont have anyone on ignore you weird little worm.


You can see if you zoom all the way in and stare at the ground. It’s an ugly green fog effect. I ended up just playing the raid with the green fog debuff. Because I literally zoned in and out of raid 10 times trying to get it to go away and it didn’t.

When people are civil and honest you can have a real convo. I dont hate people that like GDKPs, I dont like people who abuse it and its just a sad fact of life thats the case. Without RMT, GDKPs could be a part of the landscape but we ruin everything we touch.

Its why Blizzard had to change the classic pvp system. We just cant be trusted. Same goes for GDKP.

Without RMT, GDKPs cease to exist. The swiper gold is the lifeblood of the system. Without it people find a more effective way to gain gold and move on.

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I think the fundamental difference between our positions is that I blame blizzard for not enforcing their ToS properly (again, 2 week suspension for buying gold and inconsistently removing items/gold from the cheaters). Whereas you, somewhat, lay the blame on people for cheating in the first place.

I don’t disagree, cheaters suck. But it’s actually blizzard’s fault that they won’t police their game that it’s gotten this bad in the first place. The rampant botting that they somehow can’t catch despite only needing a 3 second eye test to ban probably 90% of the bots is proof enough of that. If they got rid of the majority of bots the value of RMT gold would be higher (harder to get large quantities of it), which would drive a lot of rmt’ers out of the practice simply by costs.

Nobody wants to spend thousands of IRL cash on a few thousand in game gold. But when 20 dollars covers your in game expenses for a few months well… people take the easy way. Even better for cheaters when the punishment for getting caught cheating is a 2 week break from the game at worst.

As an aside, the funniest thing about the vanilla pvp system is how nobody at blizzard saw the PvP system’s issues, or atleast didn’t care, until Onslaught used bots to pad their servers PvP brackets to make it possible for more of their raiders to fit into the top bracket lmao.

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