GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

Quote me.


Im actually pretty decent.

I won the argument.

:rofl: How far you gonna reach dude? You ran out of straws to grasp like 20 posts ago.

It’s not. I quoted you responding to the core of their argument. He still hasn’t elaborated on it yet.

This is the core of their argument. It changes the culture of the game.

GDKP is not prohibited on cataclysm. It’s prohibited on SoD and on Fresh. RMT is prohibited everywhere, though blizzard fails horrifically at properly punishing players caught participating in RMT and even worse at catching them in the first place.

You’re so upset about losing an argument to other people that you think you can come at the king.

Don’t forget to high five the trolls.

I know it makes you feel better because it sure sounds like you need that today.

I didnt lost the argument. Just my patience with trolls like you.

I disagree personally, but I’m open to someone actually explaining how it affects the culture.

I’ve had no issue main raiding with a guild, raided with the same guild from BWL until ToGC when they disbanded. I then joined another guild. Where is the culture shift?

We can tell.

Look at all the spelling mistakes.


Holy hell get a grip.

Yep, we’re all waiting on him to respond. Instead he keeps using really weird metaphors that barely have any relevance and confuse people more than anything else. Here is the main line:

the point would be that it changes the META, the best players used carries to generate gold to be the best, suddenly every hive blind idiot follows the dotted line and no one is really playing.

Grammar policing is peak lame.

I didnt. Show me where I lost.

The minute people go all ad hom sperg and talking about their WoW cheeves you know you won.

yeah that guy has really been on overdrive lately, trying to catch the magic again I think

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I see the pro-gdkpers STILL can’t make a single argument in favor of GDKPs. Just keep making personal attacks.

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When you ask for proof and people show it, then cry about “WHY ARE THEY SHOWING THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS??” I mean… just pathetic.

You’re a wimp. Simple as that. A loudmouth who has never proved anything, and got wrecked by everyone in a thread except a 50 year old troll who clung to your tiny brittle ankles.

T3 warrior linked a few arguments a bit ago.

They know that.

They are just demented trolls.

There is plenty of room to blame bliz for leading the pack to this place but alteast they are turning it around in some respects

Should blame Blizz for ever letting GDKPs to take hold to begin with. We see now the irreparable damage it’s done to the game and the player mentality. Just look at these pro-gdkpers completely unhinged. That’s…not healthy.

You’ve lost me again. The meta is still being in a guild on your main character. The vast majority of GDKP’s are run through alts. I’m playing less now on SoD than I’ve ever played any version of WoW. I have 0 desire to run previous raid tiers, no desire to gear an alt, not even to PvP on them (though that’s a separate SoD issue). I’ve always had 2 or 3 max level characters to play on.

But the pug scene on SoD is very sad because there’s no incentive for people to go back to previous tiers. And there does need to be an incentive. You can disagree with me if you like but ultimately the culture of wow players has shifted. It’s hard to find pugs in the first place, much less good ones. Why is that? Because most wow players are simply clearing the raids they need on their main and stopping. They have no reason to go back to previous tiers and so you can’t gear up new characters or alts through them. The way gear progression is handled now is different than it used to be.

Instead of doing the old raids to catch up your guild either carries you through the current tier or you use whatever catch up mechanic is implemented. It’s rare that you can actually gear up your character now by doing the standard progression of Tier 1->tier 2->tier 3->tier 4-> etc.

This is actually a blizzard created issue. Just look at cataclysm. Instead of doing the previous raid tiers for gear you spam heroics for currency to buy the previous raid gear. So you can do harder heroics.

Admittedly average player, below average troll.

You’ll notice I keep asking them to get on topic and show me and just get more trash thrown at me. These guys think winning is failing as hard as possible.

People talked about nuance in this thread earlier. I guess you missed it. I was playing them for sport and then I made good sport out of them. When you play the “dont you know who I am game?” and then you gotta tell me because I dont know who you are means youre nobody no matter what you can type in the credential box.