I’m struggling as well
It always seems to go this way. Bold claims about how GDKP’s are bad because they’re paid carries. And then that’s it. That’s the depth of their claims.
I’m a break it down to eat the rich, stop trying to scrape quarters in the arcade, it is tacky, some of us are here to relax not try and prove they are something they aren’t
So you have no logic? You don’t like paid carries, which is fine, I agree with that. But you also are willing to claim ALL GDKP’s are paid carries and thus it’s fine to ban them?
Like, am I missing something? Is there a step somewhere or did you just perform that incredible leap of logic and everyone is supposed to just agree?
turning the game into a pay 2 win fiasco is bad for the game, you’re missing the logic of why it was banned in the first place
Think it’s a culture argument in that GDKP promotes what he deems to be a negative atmosphere I.e some of us are here to relax. Hard to tell though; he’s not being very explicit.
Nevermind he explained.
The logic for why it was banned on SoD was RMT and eroding social structures.
The logic for carrying the ban into Fresh was strictly the social structures. So they walked back the RMT claims. Because they’ve never had an issue reiterating their stance before.
And “turning the game into pay2win” how do you figure? I can’t buy more gear than anyone else can get by literally playing the game. I’m already clearing these raids on my main in a guild raid. My guild doesn’t run a second team for alts. Why would I want to do SR or MS/OS pugs?
almost like it had the intended consequence and they are carrying it forward but there is a vocal minority screaming like it took bread from their kids mouths and like that is not cool for the game either lol
so just raid to raid, there are diminishing returns on things, you max rep don’t get rep anymore do it if you want, if you don’t want to, stop.
like I said too much is never enough, diversify your bonds
Again, you flexed and got called out on it.
That’s it.
No need to spend 45 minutes typing 2 paragraphs.
You tried to flex before anyone said anything, and when asked for proof, you refused and went on a rant about your fragile ego.
You asked others to show proof, which they did.
You’re a clown.
But it hasn’t had the intended effect. Unless the intended effect is the long-term strangling of the pug scene as players stop clearing old content. RMT was unaffected. The gold buying and botting are more rampant than ever.
I feel like a broken record. This is like the 8th or 9th time I’ve tried to explain this to someone who is against GDKP’s. It’s fine if you don’t want to GDKP. Don’t do them if you don’t want to. I do them on my alts, for fun. Why should my fun be limited to what I can do with my guild?
Existed before, exists now, but there is a sign on the wall saying don’t that has an effect on law abiding citizens, criminals gonna criminal
I mean this in the nicest way possible but could you drop the metaphors? It’s not having the intended effect you think it’s having.
He’s looking for a supporting point to this. Could you elaborate?
The sign always existed if you’re talking about RMT. You wanna know why it’s bad now? Because the punishment for RMT is a 2 week suspension and at WORST they remove the items and gold. They don’t even always do that. If the punishment doesn’t fit the crime why would anyone stop?
Unchecked RMT is the problem. Banning GDKP’s is a bandaid at best.
Saying your good at the game when someone calls you bad for no reason isnt a flex dude. Talking about R14s and cutting edges is flexing making me flexed on.
Read the thread Faillord. Its all right there you tool. I got called bad and then defended myself because Im never going to bow or scrape to Era R14s or retail raiders.
because we remind you that that is not the best. and doing it regardless says something about you. And we don’t want you to justify being bad cause if you give yourself permission here well who knows where it will end.
And we know WoW is raising more children than ever now lol so set a good example and be good and folow the rules and hate on those who break them.
You got called bad after you claimed you carry your own weight in a raid.
You only proved you’re bad.
Bad at the game.
Bad at arguments.
Bad at knowing the difference between your and you’re.
The only person in the thread who sided with you is a 50 year old troll.
Read the room kid.
RMT isn’t relevant to their argument anymore. GDKP is undeniably an incentive for RMT but RMT undeniably exists without GDKP. And we don’t have the means to definitively measure the impact of either so it’s kinda a moot point.
Are you trying to insinuate that I buy gold? Cause that’s kinda what that reads like.
It’s the core of the argument though isn’t it? That people buy gold to go to GDKP raids and spend it. Why is RMT so out of hand? Probably because there’s no real punishment for doing it. They certainly aren’t making an attempt to argue anything other than that, regularly calling anyone who disagrees with them a gold buyer.
No you’re just advocating for something that is prohibited, and contributes to those things, it would only be an allusion I think, but I’m not speaking in personal terms I speak in the general for that objective perspective approach