GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

That’s cool I guess? I’m working remote atm. Are you trying to flex?

Everything you said is logically sound but I’m sorry I had to laugh at this:

I get it, you don’t want to feel like you’re wasting your time but the way this particular sentence sounds is just funny to me for some reason. We’ll see what the old man says but I’m pretty sure he’ll respond by saying you should play the game because you enjoy it; that would be the return on the investment.

But also important to point out you feel this way because RNG sucks and GDKP formed because RNG sucks. Just want to throw that out there.

No I’m just trying to highlight how ‘Al Bundy scored 3 touch downs in a highschool football game’ level of can’t let this go everyone is

I don’t disagree. I’m unbelievably cursed in raids. I’ve typically had to rely on GDKP’s to go back to previous raid tiers to chase bis items I missed because they’ve simply never dropped. Items I will never get in SR or MS/OS runs by their very nature.

Personally I’ve always thought a system similar to badges where after you clear a raid x # of times you can buy pieces from the raid directly as a bad-luck prevention mechanic.

Yeah there’s nothing like a “Don’t you know who I am??!11!” and I say no and then they gotta tell me. Totally gangsta move, really put me in my place lolololol.

I mean, the people who are mad about GDKPs are the ones making the thread. And the ones lumping gold carries into the same category as GDKP. It’s just extremely disingenuous and shows a general lack of education on the topic.

Should everyone just be silent when people are trying to pass off lies as truth?

My idealist view is PvE loot is deterministic like PvP loot is and Blizzard just makes the game enjoyable to play even after you fully achieve bis. But they gotta keep people on the hamster wheel I guess. I’m hoping fellowship doesn’t follow in those footsteps.

Nobody said that.

You made claims and didnt prove anything.

Then you asked everyone else to show proof and they did.

Then you went on a tangent about how you’re being character assassinated.

All you wimps do is start fights and then play the victim.

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but you do realize the defensiveness and toxicity of people defending banned gold carries is peak forum action? and that’s pretty normal, and not banned.

I look at it like prostitution, if you gotta pay for it fine, but don’t brag about it, and don 't say we need more hookers on main st.

I’d be fine with that. I personally already enjoy the game. I’m happy to get bis gear and them come back and stomp raids out to see what breaks when you do 2 or 3x the dps you started with. Never personally understood the mentally that some have of “I got my bis, see you next tier” but whatever.

Dude, I literally just explained to you there is a difference between gold carry and gdkp. Stop conflating the two. It’s actually why you’re straight up wrong. You’re not educated on the topic to have a discussion about it because you’re like a child who can only see black and white.

carried to gold is also a gold carry

How is it a carry if EVERYONE in the raid is playing well enough to make them the best raid across all servers?

Because they don’t actually enjoy the activity of raiding, just the results of the activity or achieving an endgoal and the main reason people raid by and large is to get the loot. It’s kinda the same logic you used when you explained why you don’t play your rogue.

My theory is you’d play your rogue if you actually liked raiding on your rogue + made the loot deterministic enough to the point where you could feasibly achieve it after a period of time.

That’s fair. If I could see an end goal where the rogue isn’t just a rat alt I’d play it. But there isn’t one and if there is it’s not a fun process to get there in pugs, so why bother. I considered a main swap at one point but the rogue is so far behind it’ll never catch up without being a drag on my guild.

because they carried people to get gold to buy the things to carry them, paying for it isn’t the same, money doesn’t equal cool.

If your best raiders in the world RMT’d their way there would you say they are the best? No they are the best with weight on the scales in their favor.

You know, hate the yankees and this promotes money as a end unto itself and makes people chase cash everywhere thinking it’ll fix them, it doesn’t or there wouldn’t be a need to keep it going like this, too much is never enough

Everyone who has ever sold or bought anything on the AH is party to RMT.

But lets take a moment, how can you RMT player skill? The best raid wasn’t more geared than any of their competition. They were just better. Which allowed them to clear faster.

-chuckles in stacks of flasks- and if hrr everyone engages in RMT then the best with all the gold participate in it the most IE the worst

Flasks are cheap on cataclysm. They cleared the raid in just over an hour, never needing to refresh flasks.

I’m trying to find the logic here.

Nah, I defended myself from raging ‘dont you know who youre talking too?’ narcissists. They dont like my opinions on GDKP and can’t have a real discussion about them so they play the “you bad” game and then Im free to tell them that I know how to press my buttons.

Just because a retail mythic raider and future anniversary realm R14 think they’re hot stuff doesn’t mean I have to agree with them or feel small when they flash their credentials.

Its like when some twitch streamer thinks they got something going on and you find out they got like 50 subs and you laugh at them then they go ‘well how many followers do you got on twitch??’.

If I dont want or aspire to be a streamer or respect twitch streamers in general its kind of pointless to tell me what a big deal you are in your head and expect me to be impressed. That’s basically what transpired there.

Go back to liking the posts of your betters, Mr Average.