GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

Yeah bro UD strat is way harder than mythic raids.

Youre good for tanking UD strat but youre not impressed with clearing mythic raids.

I cant.

The jokes write themselves.

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Did I say it was? Why are you so desperate for validation? Can’t you just talk to your guildmates and confirm each others identities?

Yeah, Im good enough to clear the content I play in. I dont need to solo Strat on a naked toon to prove to the world that Im a WoW god which Im not interested in anyway.

Yeah, when you hit the reply button.

The content you do has like a 99.9% clear rate, the content i do has a 1% clear rate lmfao.

UD strat is so easy even Zaalg can do it.

Im not trying to compare myself to you. Ive only said it 30 times already. Im not in competition with you over who is better. Just because you care doesn’t mean I have too. I dont care about being on par with retail mythic raiders.

This is why I steer away from talking about this stuff. Not because Im ashamed but because I can do an AV, have 25KBs, 1 death, lock down a bunch of god tier healers to win team fights, have 5 back caps and someone will say ‘wut you died in AV? how do you even get out of bed in the morning’?

There’s always someone better than you. I grew up and accepted it. Its not a problem for me. Im good at what I do, I dont need to be good at what you do. I dont want to do the content you do. Gimme a break already.

There is no competition over who is better.

I only gave you a metric, not all of them just 1.

Tanking UD strat isnt a metric of being good was the whole point.

Its not your metric. I dont play by your rules. I can make up my own. If I dont like, care for or play retail its meaningless to me how good you are at it and its not like I waste any time wondering about it.

When Im doing Era dungeons I concern myself with my performance in Era dungeons. That’s it.

I soloed Hogger.

Im very good at this game.

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Aww look the poor retail player needs external validation for being a cutting edge player. They’re just not secure until someone agrees with them on their personal assessments, awww.

That’s a stretch.

He might be floor pov.

He could be floor pov and then hop on the forums and tell us all how he “believes hes good at wow”.

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This thread is just ppl bickering. Maybe 10% actual content.


I suppose Im somewhat guilty but it’s not really my fault. People cant have a normal discussion without reminding everyone how great they are Classic/Retail when the discussion of GDKPs comes up and they don’t have a shred of wit to hold it down.

The defense of GDKP was made days ago when I listed all the reasons why GDKP’s are (on average) higher quality than any other pug group with another loot system. In fact being better than a disturbing majority of guilds.

If you’d like I can list them again since you seem to have issues remembering things that were already explained to you.

  1. GDKP’s are more likely to finish a raid.
  2. GDKP’s are more likely to clear harder content
  3. Why are the above points accurate? Players are incentivized by the way GDKP works (gold payout at end of raid) to not only stay for the whole raid but to play their best to kill every boss (you don’t get loot or gold if you can’t kill the bosses)
  4. Many GDKP’s are run very similarly to guilds in the sense that they operate out of discords using the same sign-up systems and holding players to the same (or usually better) standards in raids
  5. Despite this GDKP’s are very flexible at filling and the effect this has on the pug scene is more than noticeable. It is night and day. SoD wild growth has no GDKP’s and there are very few raids forming throughout the day, mostly limited to peak hours. Log into Bene or Faerlina on cata and see how easy it is to find a pug whenever you want.

What drawback can you name for GDKP that isn’t just “muh RMT”? Because then we’d have to talk about the AH RMT you’re so quick to avoid talking about. Are you mad about ticket runs and carries? Because those aren’t limited to GDKP’s. Plenty of guilds sell raid spots late in the tier. It’s been done for years, not even just for gear but for the achievements from killing end bosses.

I literally refuse to pug at this point on SoD. If my guild doesn’t field a raid team for the content, even if I need gear from it, I’m not going. It’s not worth the time or effort in a demon pug watching people keyboard turn, backpeddle, click their abilities, fail simple mechanics, and then lose gear to them because they /roll 'd and got luckier than me. There’s no return for my time investment. And worse, even if a pug forms weekly, it’s never quite the same group, meaning you lose the items you want to different people every week, never actually making progress. My rogue alt is sitting greens in ironforge turned into a level 60 bank/ah alt because I can’t think of a worse way to spend my free time than in a pug on it.

Do you have any real argument you’d like to put forward old man? Why don’t you make an effort to defend MS/OS or SR pugs? They suck. The groups on SoD feature by FAR the worst players I’ve ever had the misfortune of playing with.

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You started flexing and everyone shut you down.

Very easily too.

He doesn’t even have a max level character.

He doesn’t even raid.

He literally just trolls on the forum.

so in conclusion, gold carries are for good characters who just don’t have the time or gumption to play it straight

and if you can’t get in one you’re terrible, so you should do gold carries to prove you’re good

sounds like gold carries are very important for some people’s mental health,

and even the idea that they could be bad for the game or something hurts to the core.

yeah that sounds like addiction to me

especially considering they are still going on just under the table, but we need the cope to be out in the open to be more effective that was it isn’t cope its just normal

everyone take anti anxiety meds you have to so I don’t feel bad about mine

So then what’s your opinion on a GDKP being the first raid team to clear heroic dragon soul on cataclysm? How would they beat all the serious sweat guilds while carrying people? Like I’m confused on your stance here. The majority of GDKP’s aren’t the garbage trade chat pug you’re talking about looking for pure buyers to carry. Those are like ticket runs which have been around for ages on retail.

clowns chasing clout?

So you don’t have an opinion because you weren’t educated enough on the topic but felt like you could just say a bunch of toxic garbage about people you know nothing about because you don’t like gold carries?

Average anti-gdkp commenter tbh

yeaah, I went and got my education in the real world and have a job, I’m on the forums from there today!