GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

That you trolls can’t win an argument.

Also LOL the world.

In the early part of the previous century Germany decided to go to war, and who did they decide to go to war with? THE WORLD. That had never been tried before. And so you figure that would take about 5 seconds for the world to win, but uh, no, it was actually close! Then about 30 years passed, and uh Germany decided again to go to war, and again it chooses as it’s enemy, THE WORLD.

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No, you have ways of determining it. I’m not a cult member that puts stock in the same things you do. I use my own metrics, not someone’s hand me down system.

And yeah, I got some nice cheeves and stuff from my retail days but I don’t owe you anything, I dont answer to you and Im not really concerned about proving myself to the meta cult. Believe what you want.

That’s all you guys do. Took Laz like 20 posts before he got around to posting his 2nd tier parses. I havent seen anything from you that tells me youre great and I wouldnt be impressed even if you did so why bother?

If you’re not in the top 1% of players just stop talking.

You say youre good because you believe it, well how did you determine that lmfao?

What is the metric you use to determine youre good?

I did win. Everyone is flaming me and ignoring my actual argument.

That usually means I won the argument.

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If you’re the only person who believes you’re right in a room full of people, then that means you’re high on drugs.

Take a shower and have a nap because the snow isn’t going to turn to rain without a little sunlight.

I tanked a UD strat the other day in Era with a bunch of quest geared players and we had a clean run with zero deaths. I did nice DPS on a rogue in a scholo run after that.

I did a bunch of BGs in cata yesterday and had a really nice KD ratio, lots of double digit KB games and made some clutch plays. I won a bunch of 2v1s in TB game.

Am I the legend Drink is or claims to be? Probably not but I think I did okay.

You cant be a real person.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Or that consensus never proved anything like most rational people understand.

You mean I cant be a fake like you? Probably true.

I literally can do the hardest pve in the game.

So do a lot of other people. Are you in the top 1%?

Getting cutting edge is the top 1%.

Is that a yes? If so, that is quite admirable. Grats.

I linked you it.

You’ve never had the makings of a Varsity.

Small hands they said.

Chill bro, he tanked UD Strat.

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Okay cool. Im not exactly bowled over but I can appreciate the effort that must take. Grats on being cutting edge.

Do you see how we have metrics that show if youre good?

Saying you tanked a UD strat isnt really a metric…

Your good at retail. Okay? Im still not impressed. I can acknowledge the effort it takes but at the end of the day being a retail player isn’t something I put a whole heck of a lot of stock in.

And again, those are your metrics. They’ve been laid out for you and you chased them and got them. Good for you. Even so, its like telling the casual player he sucks for not being a raider. You can tell him that but if he doesnt care about raiding telling him how much they suck for not being an accomplished raider isn’t going to make him buy into your system.

Its not a metric you appreciate or put any stock in the very same way I dont put any stock into yours but Im an Era/Cata player. I like to run dungeons and Im a good dungeon tank. That’s all I need. I don’t require a cutting edge retail player to define that for me.

They still can’t make any argument in defense of GDKPs. I ask for anyone to present an argument.
Their responses: “You’re a troll!”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This is comedy gold.

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