GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

Gene Hackman will solve the case.

i believe there is animals on other planets, but are we the only humans in the univers?

Are there things living amongst us outside of our senses that we can’t even understand their existence?

Same here.

I came to wow last weeks as bfa was coming so came in preload/prelude stuff. and was doing proper leveling not using package deal boost yet so in the 1 to 60 bit lol.

I never got to see in a more full form so I hope it makes it there.

Nice thing is if wod and legion hit it kill these threads. group loot, or personal they tried once, doesn’t make gdkp possible.

Then it just be rants on carry runs. I won’t be the one to tell them that is now mythic funds team effort for raid consumes. they can find that out themselves.

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you saw that Stargate SG-1 episode right?

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Excellent summary

I thought BFA removed master loot

iirc the history…

mop introduced group loot but optional. ML was still in and allowed.

Legion or wod removed optional. group only. but wow historians can correct ofc. BFA or SL was personal. I like to forget those dark years so memory made hazy on purpose.

We just know bought gold is funneled throughout raids.

Thats sod.

Link the updated reason for the policy for Fresh.

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And AH. it be why for the 2 non gdkp wows, and let’s throw in carries in retail for giggles, they have the same issues.

See I like the spirit of these threads. the gdkp gold washing machine is closed! The AH washing machine is still open 24/7, however.

Yeah I didn’t think so.

According to you anyway. Cult members can hurl as many insults as they want and brag as hard as they like but no one outside their cult takes it seriously enough to get offended.

You are bad. You can’t have a rational discussion on a forum without telling everyone your gods at an old version of WoW - the Fisher Price of MMORPGs - like that means anything in a logical discourse or life in general. That doesn’t get respect from me and there will never be a day that Ill be impressed by your WoW prowess. Being good at WoW doesn’t impress me no matter how impressed you are with yourself. Take the hint already.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Its hilarious that you believe your own hype. I havent lost anything except my faith in WoW forum posters to do anything except huff their own flatulence because its the best copium they can find.

Tell me you didn’t play vanilla without telling me you didnt play vanilla.

I really don’t care what the G is supposed to stand for or represent. GDKPs are the lowest common denominator of raiding there is. This crowd couldn’t handle Everquest, that’s why they play WoW.

More like your addicted to your own self inflated sense of importance and actually think your somebody. Who are you again? That you Laz? Still playing this tired old trope after how many years now? You were nobody to me 5 years ago and not much has changed. Save the self aggrandizement for people who give a damn because Im not one of them.

Par for the course but the jokes on them. Im so accustomed to this kind of assault that Im impervious to their attacks. Its a sign of weakness too so its really easy for a person like me to laugh off. Their brand of mental gymnastics and cult like behavior is offensive but not in the way they think it is.

The truth hurts.

I try not too because then I would start feeling sorry for them and they really don’t deserve that from me.

They can be defended in a certain way and to a certain extent but like you noted, their egos and identities are tied up with it so they end up defending that instead except their not smart enough to know that’s what they’re doing.


You’re just letting them pull you down to their level.

Thread is about GDKPs. Yet the pro-GDKPers don’t even make an attempt to defend it. They’re just insulting and belittling people. Acts of desperation.

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Imagine being bad at the fisher price of WoW.

What does that say about you?


As in, you’re so angry you can’t even spell properly.

You can write all the essays you want.

You got called bad, then told others to prove they arent bad and then why they did you just said its ok guys “i believe im good”.


No amount of back peddling is going to take that away.

Stand up from your chair, go walk into your bathroom and look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that “you believe youre good at wow”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Walks into bathroom and turns on the shower

“You’re good at WoW. You’re so good at WoW”


“You’re good at WoW! You’re so damn good!”

Looks in the mirror with a face full of tears


Gets in shower in the fetal position

“You’re good… you’re so good…”


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On the contrary Im letting them continuously out themselves for the frauds that they are. Ill sprinkle in an invite to get back on topic to see if they’re as brave as they make themselves out to be but they’re all bark and no bite. Heck, I even invited them to play the game with me so they can see I can hold my own with their own eyes but they prefer to just to believe their RP backstory’s they wrote wherein they are legends.

Yep and we are showing the world what pro GDKP players are really about. Consider it an informercial.

No argument from me.

Im really good at this game. I just don’t broadcast it because I don’t define myself as a WoW player. Also, I dont have to vet or prove myself to anyone on this forum because they are just as much a nobody to me as I am to them. Who the heck are they to ask? They’re just elitists, not authorities. I don’t kotow to self appointed, wanna be authorities, least of all on their say so.

Yeah see, when someone says Im bad I ask them to tell why they think they’re good enough to be saying that and then you find out they just have some cult member card they got out of some elitist echo chamber. Like having good parses means you have good opinions on GDKPs or something. What a joke.

And yeah, I am a good player and I don’t need Drinknblink’s validation or approval to say it or think it. I dont assess my worth through your belief systems, I have my own.

What back peddling? The only back peddlers here are the ones who can’t make a cohesive argument.

Why bother? Im good at this game. I really don’t care that you don’t believe me as I never asked for or want your approval. Just tell yourself Im bad at WoW, like, Im not bothered.

You dont, they have metrics to determine this, link a metric that says youre good and not just “trust me bro, i believe im super good”

No one believes you, this is why we have ways to determine this…

Got any cutting edges?

Any Glad titles or r1’s?

Any 99s?

You cant just say “trust me bro”.

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Well, you’re not wrong. Personally I enjoy watching people become unhinged and lose their minds. It’s very interesting. And them endlessly spewing insults is just admitting they have no defense for GDKPs.

But you’ll notice I don’t indulge them. I don’t respond. I just laugh and quietly ask the thread, “Anyone have an argument for GDKPs?”

And none of them do.

Thats not at all what you do.

You ignore all points and just call everyone a swiper.

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