My classic journey will end with the release of WoD. I have zero desire to play through that again.
I would try them sure.
But i keep it 100, if i dont like it i dont like it lol.
I did hear wod sucked but i also hear it had amazing raids and im more of a raider now.
I guess we’ll see what they do but I wouldn’t be surprised if in 4 years we’re reading about Classic Legion.
Legion is when i started mythic raiding.
I think Legion was done well, besides the AP grind we all said we hated but then blizzard added it into Shadowlands and BFA and then finally realized when we said we hated it we meant it and removed it in current retail.
The borrowed power system was fine for 1 xpac like Legion but they kept it going far too long.
Borrowed powers are in era too, its literally world buffs.
Yeah but artifact/azerite/anima are way more grindy than just getting world buffs
They’ll talk about emus, but not about GDKPs.
Oh i agree.
Like i said it was fine for 1 xpac (Legion) but when we said we didnt really like it Blizzard thought they knew better and added it to BFA and Shadowlands.
Legion raids were very good tho, and mythic raiding was a blast.
Getting Cutting Edges felt like a massive achievement to get with a raid team you literally wipe 100s of times per boss.
I think what (might) happen is you’ll progress through mop/wod and/or legion and then they merge it into retail. Hard to see a forever mop or whatever expac server.
Cant wait for Prydaz first legendary again.
I believe you tbh
Legion has the funnest trinket in the game.
Draught of Souls.
I mythic raided on a fury war and you can make the whole trinket crit, it is literally the best button to press.
You think if they do merge it into retail would the former classic players keep playing or nah
My theory is maybe if they’re attached to their characters enough
Yeah idk tbh.
They need to add a temporal lobby that takes you to eras of each expac, if I could jump into an expac and not have it ruin my inventory on my other play throughs I wouldn’t need alts, I’d have alt timelines
I didn’t play Legion back in the day so I am really hoping they make a Classic Legion after MoP.
Classic Fresh markets are far beyond more inflated than Classic was at anytime. Even with GKP being present.
Ironically more people right now are buying gold to keep up with this inflation.
GKP was a means of gold income for a lot of people, and actually helped provide a bump to income across the board because inflation happens regardless given the actual problem (RMT through botting) is never addressed.
For those who think anything other than a small portion (10%) or so actually used RMT in GKP’s, shows you have no idea how they actually worked.
There has been an irrational hatred for GKP’s, mostly from the people who actually have no idea how an economy works.
Let’s take your arbitrary made up number of 10%. Those people spend a lot of rmt gold in GDKPs. That gold is acquired by everyone else in the raid. And then used in subsequent GDKPs, where again swipers are adding in their gold. Soon it’s all rmt gold.
That’s how it works…Mr. 1 Post guy who definitely isn’t just another alt.
Yep this is something they don’t understand.
They have never been in a GDKP. They don’t know anything about it aside from what they’ve seen on reddit.
They just make up a bunch of stuff off the top of their head and think they are winning an argument.
It’s quite hilarious and pathetic.
Hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha
Hahahahahahahahaha hahahahaha
money laundering still exist? i thought it was just a 70s thing