GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

Or show the raid leader 100k in your inventory and sit afk at the instance entrance.

Just another low IQ take

Another 400 comments on why gdkps should remain banned.

Very good work lads.

Swipers stay seething

More embarrassing trolling well after the discussion is over.


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Yeah I’m the one trolling.

Personally attacking people because you lost your argument.

Stay mad

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His name is Sad, Real Sad.

They’re so angry.

And apparently asking “Why do you want GDKPs” is trolling. :rofl:

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Only sad boys here are the people wanting gdkps reinstated.

Us Chad’s just play the game

You are not a chad if you lose to emus

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They fought those emus so a 45 year old can troll the WoW forum.

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But they lost and he’s still here

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Stay mad gdkps aren’t coming back

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Insert cdew’s how the fook do you lose here

They were the emu’s that can dodge bullets.

Jamie pull up that video of a bear dodging a bullet.

When you know you’ve lost the argument, attack the player.

Pro gdkpers handbook on how to lose arguments

It’s just too easy

hehe wow this is still going from yesterday? stop the insanity!!

But seriously I was thinking maybe some of the gold carry martyrs had their first raiding experience with gold carries, maybe it was their introduction to wow or where they hit their highest moment

I can see some of this weirdness as them trying not to lose whatever good came about back then, it would be pretty rough if you felt you hit your peak during that time and felt the world move on past you, but hey there are also people who started wow during warlord’s of draenor and want WoD Classic so… heh just a thought.

No cap I’m convinced the people who are playing Cata rn and will play MoP would also play literally any expansion blizzard puts in front of them, including WoD.

came out in 2014, dag yo

I play current cata, i have heroic DS tonight, i would not play any expansion.

Shadowlands sucked, BFA sucked.

Legion was good.

I didnt play WOD, Cata or MOP back in the day.

I hear MOP was good tho.

Cata to me has been better than WOTLK.

But given the opportunity would you try mop/wod?