GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

Ive offered to debate them on the points that I made. They refuse. Theyre too busy winning at life and WoW I guess.

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Me: “Why do you want GDKPs in the game?”

Swipers: “That guy’s parses are bad!!”


It’s too easy. I love this place.

Post just 1 thing

You offered flexing and nonsense after being proven wrong by multiple people, and then refused to prove your flexes, and now you high five a 50 year old troll.


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No because comparing yourself to others is the hallmark of mediocrity and unlike them, Im not a mediocre. You’re a king mediocre though if that helps.

You flexed and people asked for receipts.

But you don’t want to compare huh?

Do you go to the gym claiming you can do things, and when asked, you refuse to show people? “I know I can lift 800lbs bro”

No one has refuted GDKPs being easier and more convenient. In fact, they agree. They just cant handle the fact that SR pugs are playing the game on a harder mode than them.

That wasn’t the initial argument.

That was you moving the goalposts after you lost, and it is irrelevant.

My first post in the thread.

It isn’t easy loot or gold.

You see? You lost already.

Dont just say it. Prove it.

Man the irony is hilarious.

You can’t make this up.

Excuse me I have a hunter to level up so I can get better logs than you even though I am average at this game.

Youre pathetic rofl.

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No. The G is for the gold dragon that the system was named after from Everquest. It is for the Plat raiding system and there is also the DKP system but none of you here in WoW do it correctly. So the G means that all gold looted is given to everyone equally at the end after bidding is done. People were doing them in the 04 version of WoW based off of the Everquest system and you people are acting like you just invented it for WoW Classic…

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He also invented the time machine.

He doesn’t need to prove it.


What he was counting on is us all being bad so we are too insecure to prove it.

Then when we backed up our claims he realized he lost.

Actually pathetic

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Bad players are allergic to accountability


Because they have no points. They’ve dropped any pretense. I’m watching this. All they’re doing is attacking you.

I bet other forum posters who look at this thread think how pathetic we all are. Which I completely understand…but I’m having a great time. People are fascinating. Just look at these guys. They’re so angry.

They rage over a video game.
They try to flex over a video game.
They try to insult over a video.

Just think about that mentality. Their ego is so attached to this game they actually think it means something, and they try to ridicule others about the game. That’s so sad. And really funny.

They’ve also abandoned any attempt to defend GDKPs. So at least we’ve sorted that out: there is no defense.

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Just more trolling.

It’s embarrassing.

So the same thing you guys do?


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