GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

You said you knew I was bad and then asked for evidence proving otherwise while not bothering to prove why I should be bending the knee to you.

Guess thats a no on the whole debate thing.

That was a joke in regard to your raging narcissism. Can’t believe a genius like you missed it.

I know you’re trash

Always have been

It won’t change.

You’re too old

Yeah, I dont go by those metrics because Im not a chimp. I have my own set of values of what a good and bad player is and I don’t turn to a website and herd mentality to do my thinking for me.

No, instead I offered people to play the game with me directly because that’s how ashamed I must be but no one took me up on my offer. Its a shame we all dont play on the same cluster or game I guess. Im more than willing to join your dungeons, raids or pvp with you in a group.

Just say youre insecure and scared.

Its ok my little man.

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I believe you believe it.

In case you haven’t noticed your opinion of me isn’t something I take too seriously so you can keep parroting your idiotic talking points but I dont get offended by the tantrums of a four year old and even less so when its a man child on the internet.

Have we set a record for posts on a thread?

I think it was the 9k av thread from 2019 classic

Im not scared of internet bullies. Im weary of the cult group think.

I offered to play the game with you so you can tell me to my face how bad I am assuming that’s the case. If that’s me being scared and insecure then you can tell yourself if that makes you feel big or something.

I play WoW to take a break from my exciting life. You play WoW to make your life exciting. Keep putting me down if it lifts you up. Whatever it is you need, Im happy to provide.

9k? Damn
Y’all better get on it

Actually 8741.

I guess zaalg is asleep rn on his mid day retiree nap

Sounds kinda nice ngl

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Thats fine, dont be talking like you the man without any receipts.

When people ask for them you cant say " I THINK IM GOOD".

Everyone thinks they are good, thank god we have stuff to actually prove it.

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Suns going down soon, hes getting ready to call it a day.

Hes all tuckered out.

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You notice they still refuse to talk about GDKPs? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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You lost about 46 times in this thread alone, not counting all the other threads where you try to throw around your inflated ego built on nothing.

Getting high fives from 2 trolls makes it even worse.

How was your retiree nap?

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Off to Denny’s for the silver dollar breakfast before 4pm.

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What if I don’t play with ‘show us the receipts’ cult mentality? You’re not the only one entitled to an opinion on what good game play is, accept it or not, I dont give a ratt’s but.

I don’t think I am, I know I am. Ive had tons of success in this game since 2004 when I started playing. I dont know who you think you are that I gotta prove myself to you.

I dont compare myself to others or their metrics because Im not a monkey.

All cults do. And?

I say GDKPs are easy and convenient and everyone agrees including GDKP’rs but they dont like the implication that someone is playing the game more competitively or challenging than they are so they lose their damn minds and wanna play the whose got the bigger epeen game because they lost the debate and the plot.

These forums are freakin pathetic. Good show.

Yeah I am the greatest basketball player.

I don’t have receipts but I know I am. My friends all tell me that.

Because they aren’t as good and you don’t want to be embarrassed.