GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

You are comparing the impacts of existing ongoing 5 year old servers where GDKP was made to be mainstream to a fresh server launch. Do you really think that’s a valid comparison?

I reject your premise. Why do you think people could play because of the ban but then also think that people wouldn’t not play because of the ban? Why do you think it’s a dealbreaker in only one direction?

You’re letting them pull you down to their level, man. Thread is about GDKPs.

You’re welcome to look up this character to see my current logs

I have multiple ranked characters across classic. I rank every server.

This toon will be r14 as well and is 11 now

I will rank my paladin too. I will have 2 rank 14s not that it matters


I literally said we don’t know. You’re the one that said people might play because of the ban.

I like how he’s asking after not proving anything.

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Whose hiding? People who dont link their parses or arena ratings are asking me for my credentials. Shouldnt you show yours first?

I was mocking Cata for being easy to be successful at and it went right over your heads like most things. I have a well geared Cata toon but thats not good enough. Because nothing says GDKP knowledge like a 2k arena rating from people who dont even play Cata. lolzzzzzzzzzzz

You flexed.

Don’t get your panties in a bunch when people ask for receipts.

Good lord you’re high as a kite!

Post your cata rating

I also said there might be people not playing because of the ban. The I don’t know part goes in both directions in my case. Your first statement is implying it doesn’t in your case. I then questioned why you feel that way.

I don’t have enough gold for my flask tonight, guess what I have to do the first time!

But yeh, gdkps anti Rmt.

Why? I dont care. Having great parses doesnt impress me. Im not impressed by these things.

Me too. I have multiple R11s because Im too lazy and busy to hit 14. Oh well, lol at me.

Grats in advance. Let me know when you can win forum debates with that.

It doesn’t but if flexing makes you feel better I dont want to be the guy to stand in your way.

You flexed 9 times and then refused to prove anything.

Your small man complex is showing.


Why is it you can make these claims, but I can’t? Think about that.

And I simply quoted Crudlord who last night said GDKPers don’t quit over the ban. They just buy gold themselves now. Which isn’t the flex he thinks it is.

You asked bro.

I do every time I engage with your logical fallacies.

You’re a 1300 cata rogue

Better yet, play Cata and lets do 2’s when your max level.

Why would I play with you when I have friends who are light years better than you?

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Can you carry me to 1300?

“Post your logs”

Posts logs

“I don’t care”

“Play with me in cata”



Don’t y’all get tired of arguing with angry nerds all day?

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You asked first. I figure if you wanna compare epeens you could whip yours out first. But then you got shy.

You havent engaged a single argument I made. The only people who did ended up agreeing with me although they are loathe to admit it.

Im a GDKP thread R1 though. Keep squawking parrot.