GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

I won 3 world’s first raids.

I will not prove it.

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Didn’t stop you from making the comparison.

In any event, the ban obviously hasn’t hurt Anniversary’s numbers.

Cuz everyone bought gold.

honestly not wrong i know more swipers now then i did over all the years of GDKP’s lol


Almost full ruthless. 383 ilevel and 10.2K gear score. Im rocking Wintergrasp with that buff. Every TB is 80 vs 20 but I get loads of KBs anyway and win alot of 2v1s.

If you like GDKPs you should play Cata. You can full honor geared in 390 in like a week. Very easy and convenient, right up your ally.

Unfortunately RBGs and arena are dead. Oh well.

I said it would metaphorically kill cata servers. You then somewhat juxtaposed that to anniversary servers by saying something more or less tongue in cheek about how well those servers’ populations are doing. Idk if you internally compared that or not but it’s wild regardless.

I’m not sure if it has or hasn’t hurt anniversary servers. A good amount of people are probably not playing because of the gdkp ban, but then again there is probably also a good amount of people that are playing specifically because it was banned. Hard to say.

Did you just post your gearscore when he asked to show your pvp rating?


I didn’t ask any of that.

I asked your ratings

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Im pretty sure when the forums are full of comments about people buying gold it just makes people buy gold.

How good are you at pvp?


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I only answer to R14s with 250K HKs and Cata R1s, not random forum scrubs.

I am sorry Corpse but you make it too easy.

I feel bad every time I take your lunch money.

mix of both for sure but the drain is definitely kicking in where the rumblings are getting louder and louder wanting GDKP’s back. The population of anniversary isnt even surprising its fresh the population is always strong in mc/bwl then falls like a cliff by AQ. Fresh player retention is going to be a problem come later when theres hardly anyone running old raids to catch newbros up.

Nice dodge.

You aren’t even 1600

It’s not wild; it makes perfect sense. You said ‘Cata servers would die’. I said ‘Anniversary servers didn’t die’. A very valid comparison.

And no…GDKPers aren’t not playing Anniversary because of the ban. Even Crud admitted those players will play no matter what. And yes, there might be some people who are playing because of the ban. Maybe, maybe not. What we do know is that the population is very high despite (or because) of the ban.

Fully agreed.

Post your parses and Cata ratings Mr. Hidden Profile.

Yall wanna know these things but ya never share. Hypocrite much?

You only hide from everyone because your weak arguments are held up with balsa wood and you know if everyone saw how bad you are everything would fall apart.

My name is the same on Anniversary.

I dont go around talking like im the best at the game but feel free.

Who are you again? Please link your parses and post on your R14.

The fact you think gearscore means anything shows how bad you are.