For the second time, my claim is bidirectional. I neither know how many players the game generated by banning GDKPs nor lost by banning GDKPs. I never said you couldn’t make a bidirectional claim. But when you say GDKPers are still playing regardless of the ban, that is the part I reject.
Crudlord doesn’t speak for all GDKPers. I remember being in a cata discord call where they were talking about the ban and not wanting to play because of it. That’s what I’m focusing on; the existence of that group.
Hell all i hear in my guild and a couple of the SR guilds i run with is how much they want the ban lifted on GDKP’s. Theres also that strong portion of the community that are playing but would prefer the ban lifted. How long they stay really matters on how long the consumable market stays gigabad. Alot of them are already burning out from consume costs. Flask market especially is absolutely ridiculous.
You should probably re-read my post because that’s exactly what I said. We don’t know. You said you reject my premise. Which was YOUR premise. So it’s a bizarre response.
I’m starting to get the impression of what’s really going on here, and I feel like my radar was down.
So I can be witness to your greatness instead of just hearing about it all the time. Ranked toons in anniversary and Era aren’t all that impressive or difficult if we’re being real. You probably just beat up randos with your RMT premade, I need see your eliteness with my own eyes instead of reading a website.
Says go look at my logs and oh btw I got ranked toons. Does nothing, says nothing.
I don’t. Im not impressed by the things you want me to be impressed by. I just figured if it meant that much to you, you could directly link them to the forum instead of making me hunt them down since your the guy that brought it up.
Its cool, I knew you weren’t going too. I still felt I should give you the opportunity to back up your big mouth. Keep running it bro, you got this tough guy.
Anecdotal but most of the people I know that hopped into fresh would usually have multiple alts for GDKP. They just aren’t going to have alts/pug if they can help it. Ultimately to them it’s just not worth the effort to join pugs and hope it works out, which depending on how many people think this way could have long term impacts on the pug scene and it’s activity. We’ll see though.
I’m not really sure what you mean by this then. Perhaps the double negative is confusing me but this sounds like you are saying GDKPers are still playing the game even though GDKPs are banned.
I was quoting Crudlord. I’ve said this three times. That post references him and it references you.
Re-reading the actual full post I can perhaps see your confusion. The ‘maybe, maybe not’ was in reference to all of it. People playing, or not playing. I thought it was obvious since I keep saying we don’t know. All we know is that the population is still bursting.
But if you want, I will say it now: the vast majority of gdkpers won’t quit over this. I actually agree with Crud on that.
Oh for sure, just posting what I’ve heard from the people I game with who still felt the itch for another round of vanilla 1x. Most of my wow friends are degenerate little nerds who will raid 3 or more times a week if they can.
yep I am one of them I don’t plan on leveling an alt outside of the toon I will main for TBC (warlock) later on in the cycle cause theres just no good incentive to level anything outside your main if your not in a guild running multiple raids. Especially with these consume prices the time investment to run multiple toons is to high to keep up with consume costs. This is only gonna hurt the server the later into the phases we get and theres less and less people in leveling content and less people running old content.
Eh I don’t think I necessarily agree with this. I do think a lot of GDKPers do not play anniversary on nearly as many characters because of the GDKP ban. Mains? Maybe. But still eh, the ban did turn a lot of people off.
Provide what? Instructions to look up your toon on a third party website? Can’t your large E muscles and big, fat mouth just link them to a forum post?
Im not hiding anything. Im just proving how lames shuck and jive when they can’t win a forum debate over their pet peeve because of how soft they are.
Thank god for that. Imagine thinking game cheeves validate dodging forum debates you cant and will never win. Who wants to be the guy that thinks other people should be bowing to them? Id feel sorry for you if you weren’t such a tool.