GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

So you can salt them with the tears of not being able to win a forum debate?

lol if they banned GDKPs in Cata too that place would be a ghost town

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Because I know you aren’t even rival window.

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These guys just can’t help themselves. EVERY post they make is just an attack. It’s actually hysterical how they don’t see how bad this makes them look. The fact they refuse to even talk about GDKPs in a GDKP thread speaks volumes.

So I’ll say again: make a case for GDKPs. Present an argument. But they won’t, because they can’t.

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I’d like to salt you Gale the Snail.

Of course you hide.

Post your arena rating corpseknife

It would mean more to me if you posted this on your R1 Cata toon. Please shame me with it, I beg you.

I will say again you selectively glance over the arguments Zaalg which is why nobody takes you serious. You read only the attacks and the arguments you cant fight you just ignore and refuse to comment on. Which makes you a dishonest party in this discussion.

Big mad tries to flex while hiding on an alt.


I don’t play cata

You said you do and are are successful

Where’s the receipts

Post your rating

First of all, if your only reason to play an expansion is to get a huge chunk of illegal gold…good riddance.

Secondly, look at Anniversary. Every day we get threads about how overcrowded and packed to the brim the servers are. Looks like the GDKP ban really sunk these servers. It’s a ghost town!

They aren’t a minority, they’re actually a majority from what I can see.

Its a W every time. Im an R1 forum glad and my rating increases with every post.

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Post your rating corpseknife

All they can do is flex lies and high five each other as if they won something.

4 trolls who can’t win an argument or prove they aren’t garbage at the game.

I play Mankrik horde. There’s two official weekly GDKPs that I know of and a couple of random ones that pop up here and there. I guess its plausible more dont advertise in chat and stick to discords but guilds still dominate the raid scene and there are MS/OS pugs for normal raids every day of the week.

He won’t post his logs or his rating

Nobody that’s secure has to hide

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Not really disagreeing.

Comparing the impacts of launching a fresh server where it’s explicitly defined to be outlawed versus several ongoing servers where it’s a fundamental part of the culture is a wild comparison.

Post your rating

Why are you now dodging?

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Everyday we also get posts about the bots screwing up the open world and how you can’t level professions worth a damn with all the teleporting bots stealing nodes. But hey i guess a server overpopulated with bots is somehow a W.