Scammers based on your interpretation.
Another day of anti gdkpers unable to form an argument other than “well blizzard banned them so it must be right”
Yeah, blizzard doesn’t make mistakes.
What current content is GDKPs being done in? Because in Vanilla it’s only available on Era, where decked out t3 characters clear Naxx in an hour with 200k gold pot.
You are bad and the game will be better off without you
Lets discuss your auction house gold buying shall we?
Polly want a cracker?
Cata Classic - which just went into dragonsoul this week. Literally GDKP’s running in all those servers currently. GDKP is only banned on SOD and Anniversary.
Im swimming in crackers.
Youre swimming in underperformance
They’re in Cata too but there in such a tiny minority they might as well not exist. Regular pugs dwarf them.
lol so there scammers cause there good enough players to run GDKP’s on alts to push for consistent clears with pugs? Damn man all these years of running GDKP’s through progressive expansions means im totally scamming.
But this isn’t Cata. This is Vanilla Anniversary.
And didn’t they add raid gear to dungeons? And isn’t lfr coming soon? Hopefully they’ll die out there too.
Im pvping in Cata to great success. Cuz its pretty easy to gear up in Cata though.

Regular pugs dwarf them.
They do not
It’s common knowledge that you’re terrible.

Im pvping in Cata to great success
Post your rating
This is the classic forums which encompasses all classic realms which includes cata classic. Naturally you have the overlap of opinions from varying servers.
Corpseknife, post your cata pvp rating
This doesn’t require any dancing around
1 post will do
Why do all these kids try to flex and never prove it?
no clue they love hiding behind alt characters they never play lol.
Perhaps, but there is a Cata forum so I assume things here to not be about that.
Nevertheless, from a theoretical standpoint GDKPs would be done in current progress if they were available here. But thankfully they’re not.