Umm okay. I dont agree with you about GDKPs so I must be a bad player. Guess Im not getting that raid invite huh?
No bad opinions are, like this one right here.
Not my best W but Ill take it. Thanks for playing.
Umm okay. I dont agree with you about GDKPs so I must be a bad player. Guess Im not getting that raid invite huh?
No bad opinions are, like this one right here.
Not my best W but Ill take it. Thanks for playing.
I dont need gdkps to tell you youare bad.But no, if youre trash you arent getting invited.
Its not my opinion.You suck at this game.
Ive argued with you multiple times about sifferent things and am met with logical fallacies and hidden parses
The only time guild raiding hasn’t been a complete flop for me is when my guild consisted of mains who all gdkpd on alts.
Guess why? Because gdkps attract a lot of good players. This is why bad players wanted gdkps banned. They had to bring gold to play with good players.
Pugging in any way other than gdkp is absolute hellscape.
/popcorn xD
Like I said: they refuse to talk about GDKPs. There’s been six replies since I posted here today and ZERO of them had anything to do with GDKPs.
These guys have waved the white flag.
you quite literally haven’t read anything then.
You refuse to address the AH because thats where you move your RMT gold from
You buy gold, yet for some reason you dont even have your epic mouint
Your account will be inactive during bwl
Zaalg is sick in the head so best disregard anything he says or you might catch it.
I would hate to catch the woke mind virus
Imagine not having grandkids or a wife at 50+ years old and trolling the wow forums instead of golfing
Atleast on the bright side they made sure not to pass on there genetic conditions to another generation saving our future generations. The best gift the woke can give to the world is self sterilization and failure to procreate.
They’re so angry.
Bythesword, these are the people you’re siding with? For me personally, that’s what helps dictate my stance on things. If people like this are supporting a system…that’s a sign. As is their refusal to actually make a case for it.
Well you’re charging gold so you better be able to do the job right? They get cleared on a more consistent basis because you have a bunch of over geared, buffed/flasked and experienced raiders still demanding an acceptable performance out of their buyers. Like, its not a mystery or black magic. More like a scam really.
A trade/LFG channel SR pug isnt looking to do a full Naxx clear in an hour, like cmon dude. Its not even a fair comparison.
As for the rest of the stuff you typed its still just your opinion. GDKPs might produce better results but whether or not thats a better raid option is up to individual interpretation, not a guy with 95-99 parses.
You buy goldusing the auction house yet still dont havean epic mount
I’m clearly on my own side. Not sure why you put me in the pro GDKP box. I’ve told you I don’t care that they’re gone in anniversary and I’m having fun playing it.
Your acting like every GDKP is on old content with geared people. What do you think current tier GDKP’s consist of? Most the raid is of similar gear curves to each other because the roster is mostly people who have been running the GDKP together for previous tiers lol. You know how many gdkp’s i play in that have progged current content and still bid off the gear? This isn’t a bunch of mains coming from there guilds main team to run a gdkp these are similar geared alts 99% of the time.
You sure make a lot of claims of correctness but thats not the same thing as being correct is it? You have no idea how good or bad I am at the game. We can at least derive you suck at logical debate which is far more important here and now.
So just repeat yourself like the parrot you are. Its your time to waste.
Like hell im in 5 different GDKP discords for cata right now that are all progging dragonsoul this last week. You thinking all those people in dragonsoul are bis’d out in all that dragonsoul raid gear carrying in those GDKP’s already? lol takes months to get to a point where people are bis’d out in most gdkps.
true, only exception is SR ony raids those are fine
Grey parsers are anti gdkp.
It’s a sign.
No good player has ever come forward as anti gdkp.
me either
Prove it.
I have a very strong idea you are terrible and youwont be able to prove otherwise instead youll write novels here instead of ending myclaim by posting your performance.
You are bad