Nobody is arguing that they are superior to raid guilds the argument for gdkp’s is the efficiency as a pugging tool compared to MS/OS and SR raids. Try to stay on topic here not a single person has said GDKP’s are better then guilds. They are just more flexible with a similar performance basis to what semi hardcore-hardcore guilds would require of there raiders. Like I get your getting all flustered cause your e-honor has gotten impugned but please try to stay on topic.
Different raids do things differently. News at 11. Still doesnt explain how my parses are relevant to a forum discussion about how GDKPs operate and what they provide.
Assuming thats true and Im not saying it isn’t, does that mean GDKP is immune to RMT?
Once in a blue moon you’ll get one who simply says, “ I like the big gold payout, and I don’t care that that gold was bought through rmt.”
At least that person is being honest. But these guys can’t do that, so they mislead, change the subject, make personal attacks. Anything but actually try to defend GDKPs.
What would that be? A text book example of the ad hominem fallacy? Because that’s all that referencing parses is. Im not a walking GDKP so talking about me is irrelevant.
Its to take the focus off the matter at hand so people don’t have to reckon with the argument they know they lost.
Have you not noticed that none of these guys even talk about GDKPs in this thread? It’s nothing but attack, attack, attack. Insult, be rude. Trying to ruin credibility rather than make an argument. They were trying to attack someone about their personal appearance last night. Talk about desperate. Now they’re talking about parses, or the ah, or whatever completely unrelated nonsense they can come up with.
But they refuse to talk about GDKPs. That’s just admitting they have no argument.
I said parses because someone brought it up - my parses (of which there are none) - and they brought up parses to ad hom me and play the appeal to authority fallacy because having higher parses must mean you know more about GDKPs and I just auto lose the debate even though no one can logically refute what Im saying.
Because they are by nature more demanding of performance to be a consistent raider within them. Now sure if you wanna swipe your black AMEX and flash a bunch of gold you can bypass alot of the “safeguards” to be what we consider rats but the expectation is your gonna spend that gold on drops that are clear upgrades for yourself. That way the carry is justified to the rest of the people who actually contributed world buffs, consumes, sappers etc to clearing the content in a timely and efficient manner.
But to assume the entire raid is filled with those people at best you might find for instance in a cata raid 1 or 2 rats. The biggest factor that makes them superior to MS/OS and SR raids is the fact the content gets cleared on a consistent basis. You don’t have incidents of people leaving mid run cause there boss didnt drop the specific item they want.
This monetary incentive to stay has led to runs being completed more often then abandoned on average compared to an SR pug where people just say screw it and leave at the detriment of the other 30+ people in the raid therefore wasting a good portion of the rosters time impacting clearing ability.