GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

Ah I was too lazy to look them up.

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your not missing anything to be fair to him hes grey parsing in MC in era where the logs are all with people in bis gear but you can check fights and see some pretty clear and obvious rotational and uptime flaws.

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My raid contributions aren’t relevant to the discussion of GDKPs and what they do. Im not even playing Era right now, Im playing Cata. This is just another lame character assassination attempt because people cant stand losing arguments on the forums.

But if you want to start up a raid on my cluster, Ill show up and DPS for you and show you I know how to play this game better than you know how to argue on a forum.

It’s calling you out on your BS, which you really dont like since you have a massive inflated ego God knows why.

Yeah I mean im not here to harp on parses, but for some reason people have different meanings for raid contribution, of which most of their reasoning dont matter especially as dps. There is only really 1 metric for dps

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You literally made the statement about joining SR pugs to carry your weight yet when researching your toon we see quiet the opposite. Its not character assassination to call you out on a blatantly misleading statement. In fact its quite the opposite it would be intellectually dishonest to let you make clearly false statements without reprecussion.

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looks up stats to see otherwise “No you dont”


Holy this dude is high as a kite.

Idk I don’t think anyone denies GDKPs being an incentive for RMT. Or if they did they don’t now. As for ego tripping, sure yeah they do that. A lot of people do.

For the second time, you asked me for a reason that isn’t tied to ease and/or convenience. I gave you one. You then provided one a few hours later. Neither of which are meant to combat your notion of ease or convenience because they go along with the system as it exists. You can reject my reason and that’s fine but it’s still valid nevertheless. Feel free to go on your way.

The scale of strength to the reasons I was using was relevance to GDKP. One reason can’t exist without GDKP, the other one can. Hence mine is stronger on that scale.

Quit assassinating his character.

What BS? What do my nonexistent parses (Ive never even run BWL lawl) have to do with GDKPs advantages in the raid scene? Nothing, thats what.

Ive offended you because you know youre full of it and you cant handle it so you resort to lame “armory flaming” because that’s all you losers know what to do. Where are your 99s? Try posting those and correlating them with GDKP and how that helps you because it doesn’t.

You’re just another E bully playing your played out one trick pony like youre doing something other than showing how stupidly insecure you are.

sorry daddy

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This is all you’ve done in this thread.

You lack self awareness with an inflated ego.

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He was doing reasonably well with me. Better than most not going to lie.

You can believe that if you want. Doesn’t mean its true.

People like easy and convenience, hence why they like and run GDKPs. They’re soft. Exceptions to the rule don’t matter. Enjoy the rest of your day.

I mean theres Lokajin on Grob/faerlina both a mage and shaman. Theres lokajinz on grob who is also a warrior from the naxx era of wotlk. All those toons ran pretty exclusively in GDKP’s minus the mage ran a bit with guilds but most of the parsing is gdkps. Got plenty of 95-99 parses across all those toons in varying expansions of gdkps. But hey what do I know :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, I actually made an argument and defended my position admirably.

You got like 50 insult posts and a hidden profile. Ill pay for your name change if you want to go “Copelord”.

The point is I don’t sit here posting on a forum hiding my characters and there statistics to try and win some culture war argument over the ethical argument of GDKPs. I have played in all the systems and hands down GDKP is the best pug option out there for performance and time investment.

What do parses have to do with GDKPs being easier and/or more convenient than every other form of raiding? Seriously. My personal raid history is not relevant to the discussion. Its just another in a litany of logical fallacies because people cant handle losing arguments or accepting the truth.

If you want to debate me tell me how GDKPs are actually superior to raid guilds because how much skill it takes to outbid someone with your mountain of gold.

Raid contribution. Which is why the good gdkps logcheck and 2srs dont

which is why antis wanted them banned in the first place. Not cause of rmt

Why and how is buying and selling carries the best pug option? Isn’t that just like, your opinion?