GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

im ded reading that xD

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lol true true :expressionless:

i know right :expressionless: of course GDKP raids are better… it’s basic human nature we’re talking about here

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I don’t. Ive explained this 5000 times over the years and like 8 times in this thread alone.

GDKP is inherently designed to offer a set of conveniences that are easier than more traditional paths.

Someone says, I like how easy it is for my alts to GDKP for gear/gold as opposed to my raid guild. I find it a convenient alternative to SR pugs and formal raiding.

Then I say, yeah GDKPs are easier and more convenient in that regard.

Then they have a fit and say its not about easy and convenience its about how inconvenient other raids are and sperg out with a crudlord impersonation like my intent was to insult their mother. Its the SR puggers fault they chose to raid in a GDKP.

Then I point out the obvious folly in their argument which makes them rage all the more. Then I just keep them on the hook for the lulz as they contradict themselves all over the place and project harder than a movie screen.

If they said, I really like the convenience GDKPs provide and that’s why I do them there would be no discussion.

Id rather clear mc in 40 minutes than 2 hours I hope that isnt being entitled

Im not in denial of their benefits. Im pointing out the denial of the people who use them.

Yeah because you can still tell people the sky is lime green when its quite obviously blue. So while you tell me the sky is lime green I can say, its blue as far as I can tell.

At least your name fits.

GDKPs involve bidding. Me saying some people like GDKPs because of how bidding is conducted is framed the same way. What you’re doing is using more broad terms to encompass more specific reasons as to why GDKPs exist because saying that GDKPs are easier without context behind easier is a meaningless comparison. You’re not getting a concession out of me which is why I offered to drop the point.

Yeah this doesn’t need to be tied to GDKP either. You can play when you’re full bis in whatever loot system you want simply because you enjoy raiding. Honestly I feel like my reason was stronger because my reason is predicated on the system’s existence, even if you haven’t heard of anyone else saying that. But if you are using a strength scale based on amount of testimonies than I supposed it isn’t.

Good luck impersonating me.

You’ll get arrested faster than you can say aye-karamba!

It’s whatever color the mushrooms make it.

Ya I don’t disagree with your statement there at all but I have seen you arguing with people in this chat that even said and admitted that they preferred the smoother cleaner aspect of the runs as if it was a negative aspect of the game which is odd to me why that would in any way be perceived as a negative.

Like hell I may be misunderstanding you at time but even I do it for the convenience. I work full time for a living I don’t got time dealing with 40 idiots who can’t do 20 year old content lol. I also like having some autonomy over loot to some degree based on knowing that even if I cant afford an item that week in a few weeks I will be the big spender on it based on my cuts of the payout. Doing SR pugs is definitely draining going weeks and weeks looking for loot just to lose rolls on them in the off chance they drop over and over again. Atleast with GDKP you have a reward at the end that makes the experience worth the time investment.

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Im doing nothing of the sort. Im pointing out the very real reasons why GDKPs exist and no one is in denial of that, including the people that run them or run in them. They all admit its advantages including yourself.

Its when you tell them you think there are equal or better alternatives or they might be a problem where RMT is concerned and then they all lose their collective minds because if your identity is tied up with GDKPs and GDKPs are not the definition of wholesome then you’re not the great player you think you are and not being the great player you think you are is a devastating blow to the ego.

/shrug. You’re agreement or disagreement is irrelevant to me and the discussion at hand. GDKPs are designed to be an easier and more convenient alternative and people use them for that reason. To suggest otherwise is pure absurdity which you are welcome too however unconvincing.

You dont need to do GDKPs period. You dont even need to raid or play this game. Crazy eh?

You grey parse in era.

Are you high?

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Yeah because, as has already been pointed out, Im not going to let someone trash me for preferring SR pugs and carrying my own weight in a raid because they prefer something different and think thats better because of how efficient getting carried is.

Carry your own weight to a grey parse?

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Can you prove this?

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Sure. Start up a ZG or MC raid on the mankrik cluster and invite me to the raid as a melee dps.

I mean hes hiding behind another alt cause he cant show his fresh toon so big doubt. Like hell I got no problem showing my toons name and people can log check all they want this toon has lived in nothing but SR pugs lol.

“sure, just spend a good 400 hours getting a toon up to do 1 raid with me”

Thats why logs exist, so people can just prove their contribution immediately

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We can see your grey parses.

Are you high?

You can see his.

Not the individual numbers but his expansion stars are grey for BWL and ZG.