GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

I’d say it being automated is the flaw. I imagine some automation is probably necessary but its an understatement to say it doesn’t work well.

There’s a banning algorithm for buying stuff off the auction house was my point. I didn’t know the details so I just gave an example. Yes you can circumvent it.

Ive actually never heard anywhere of this happening. I just know a streamer was blown up on about it to aggrend and I know personally tons of ppl who have been using this method for half a decade scot free

Blah blah blah thanks blizzard blah blah.

Meanwhile blizzard getting rich $$$ due the bots, the real problem.

I would say I’ve heard of it but apparently my experience on other player behavior is not sufficient evidence. Maybe if I posted the same thing on all my alts that’d make it true.

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Why are all anti gdkpers grey parsers?

Corpseknife another one.

Hilarious how that is the case.

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I’ve said it a million times here - yes, 100%
It is so bad its to the point where I am convinced Blizzard employees are pocketing some of the money that is being sent back and forth.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the sellers work for blizzard

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If someone says they like the convenience and relative ease of GDKPs and GDKPs are designed to be more convenient and relatively easy for certain people I don’t know how that can be construed as anecdotal. Especially when everyone admits it.

GDKP’s exist and people do them. That’s all the evidence you need.

Right. One group gets easier gold and the other gets an easier ride.

That’s all well and good. Just say its better for you rather than better everything else period.

This grey parser has clearly never done GDKPs.

He sounds clueless on the matter.

From Google: define anecdotal: of an account, not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.

It is, by definition, anecdotal since they are personal accounts and are based on personal experiences. The personal account I’m presenting is just as valid of evidence. Sure, I’ll be a little bit more intellectually honest and say the amount of evidence matters i.e. the amount of personal accounts. But materially they are the same which is my point. And since this is heading in the direction of semantics, I’d rather just drop the point entirely. Dropping next quote since it is related to this one.

Agreed. There are paradigms where this doesn’t hold up such as during progression but by and large this is a dynamic that happens.

A lot of people like to think in a unilateral direction especially if others are on the same direction. I’ve had a great amount of success drilling into perspectives though; it turns out when you sit down and be curious/not judgmental people are more inclined to share their personal opinions as to why they think that way. Crazy right?

I agree with your sentiment here as well.

It was fun for me too


That’s all well and good. Just say its better for you rather than better everything else period.

This is the part im failing to understand why its a problem to so many anti-gdkp people. Who cares if the experience is easier and fundamentally cleaner experience? What impact does that have on your game. If you don’t want to run GDKP’s then don’t and join a guild that runs a loot council or w/e preferred system you want. Not every guild offers multiple raids a week so pugging is a natural part of the game so why would people want to join an SR pug over a GDKP when the incentive to perform is monetarily involved. Theres an inherent lazyness in SR pugs because theres no basis of accountability to get a reward. GDKP’s have incentive to actually perform or you don’t get your cut. Don’t show up with world buffs? Dont show up and consume? Proceed to parse like a green and blue parsing andy? Lose your cut and most likely get blacklisted from future runs.

Its about respect for peoples time most of us are grown adults with full time jobs playing these days nobody enjoys sitting in MC for 2 hours cause of a busted pug that cant do garr properly or fails to kill rag. People want to know the other 39 members or atleast the other 30 are putting in the effort to complete the raid efficiently and timely. How in any way is wanting to be more efficient a bad thing. I keep hearing you make that “easier” argument like its a bad thing.

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The hilarious part is these people dont even play.

It wouldnt affect them at all.

This Corpseclown sits in era and grey parses for eternity. He isnt even affected.

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Because one is a personal preference whereas the other is a statement of fact. And when you say it’s a better loot system, instead of a better loot system for you, you’re intentionally or unintentionally speaking in terms of everyone.

I think the to you part is usually implied but after being here a week or so I’m not sure that’s the case. A lot of people take hard stances.


GDKPs exist. GDKPs are a buy/sell carry system. Buying spots/gear are an easier alternative to other methods. Taking peoples gold in a raid is a more efficient way to earn large sums of gold. This is why they exist in the first place.

If I say I like GDKPs because of how easy and convenient they in comparison to other forms Im not offering you my anecdotal opinion. Im confirming the facts of GDKPs existence. Anecdotal would be, I think they’re better than SR pugs. What GDKPs do or how they operate are not up for debate as far as Im concerned.

As an aside to an earlier part of our discussion, some people have said the run GDKPs as a reason/incentive to keep playing their full BIS mains. They still get to run Naxx even though they don’t really need too. So there is a reason to GDKP without being totally tied to ease/convenience. My apologies for forgetting that.

LOL what a clown.

“As far as Im concerned”

HAHA. As if that settles it.

Personally I never really did gdkps much because i don’t play alts much - on nightslayer, I have an alliance alt out of sheer boredom because the server sucks.

I’ve done maybe 5 gdkps or so since classic has been out. All of them were very efficient and the performance was lightyears ahead of regular 2srs


Color me shocked when people have an incentive to actually sit up in there chair and perform they actually play the game better? Who would of thought? Where the average SR groups if X and Y boss don’t drop specific pieces of gear you watch 2-3 people leave raid before the end lol. The incentive to stay and waste your time for no gain isn’t there in an SR pug other then the incentive to not be a prick to 39 other people.


People who dont like GDKPs are the same people who dont like folks who drive in HOV lanes with a blowup doll in the front seat.

They’re jealous.