Still making up stuff.
Easy report.
Still making up stuff.
Easy report.
A vanilla season without the auction house would be kinda neat actually
The main way to acquire rmt gold is to recieve it from the seller. (hence, step 1 - recieve the gold)
There are 2 ways of doing this:
Another grey parsing slob with nonsensical gibberish on his alt has entered the chat.
They do have tracking in place for this btw. If you try to sell peacebloom for 1000g a stack they gonna know something is fishy.
why can’t they just take the average price of each item sold in the AH and if a sale is like 10+ standard deviations away from that, then trigger the automated ban algorithm
People do that and catch people who arent paying attention.
Its not fishy to blizzard.
No its not. You just have to acknowledge the existence of GDKPs and read the posts in support of them. They attest to the “advantages” of GDKPs ad nauseum. That’s evidence.
So stand by it. Its still not evidence. You got nothing you can point to other than your unsubstantiated personal experience which no one has ever said prior to you saying it whereas I got years worth of posts amounting to whole published libraries to back my claim.
We know RMT happens. We don’t need to now how much, where, why and when to to say its a thing. Everyone knows its a thing including the pro GDKP crowd. They bring it up all the time.
Likewise I can say chat channel SR pugs are easier to get into because there’s less emphasis on parses and dont require you spend thousands of gold. It’s a matter of perspective. Its when you compare the two and GDKPs stated advantages are centered around what gold can do for you if you can’t be bothered to raid like a normal person.
Then they tell you its about not dying in a raid like pug raids are intent on wiping. Its the baddies fault they GDKP not their own decision or desire for an easier time.
Most of them but that just backs up what Im saying. Ive used similar examples myself. Great minds think alike I guess.
The path of least resistance which is exactly my point. We can both acknowledge this but when you point it out to someone who thinks you hate GDKPs they go full nerd rage. They refuse to acknowledge reality and then shoot the messenger. This is the stuff I personally can’t stand - I dont care if you like GDKPs and I dont think GDKPs are satanic - I just want some honesty as we all know why they exist.
What constitutes bad RNG is a matter of personal preference - an opinion. As is thinking RNG is bad. If RNG is a big problem for people they made a poor choice of hobbies. Don’t know what to tell them.
Its all automated. I know people arent getting banned for it because people are legit being clipped and put on twitter showing Aggrend they are doing so and they arent getting banned. I legit know people bying gold this way and have never been banned in their 5 years of doing it
The algorithm doesnt care about “what you deem suspicious”.
player buys 2000g. Player puts up 4 auctions of solid stone for 499g a stack. Screenshot of auctions sent to the seller. seller buys them.
Streamer has done this live on stream teaching players how to buy gold and avoid bans. Blzizard knows about this video. Buys gold 4x a week, never banned
Nobody is reading that.
You lost a long time ago.
Thanks for wasting your morning.
I’ve never once bought gold so I really don’t care what they do as far as that goes tbh
Clean the drool off your keyboard.
This thread is wild, and a great read during my lunchtime.
Why are you eating lunch at 9am you monster.
Right i getcha, Im just pointing out how they do it and why 75% of the server isnt banned every ban wave
It’s noontime here in the correct time zone.
I’m an entertainer, what can I say. Nothing to do till bwl and applying for the hunks gdkp on my pally
Can’t wait for the “I was unfairly banned” threads that we get after every ban wave.
Yeah ofc. They were dumb enough to buy gold using a detectable method.
There definitely are some weird bans tho, like theres an insane amount of mage accounts closed for hackign activity. I know 3 people who got banned and had it reversed after review. The automated system blizzard uses has big flaws
This is still anecdotal evidence. Player experience as a group fundamentally cannot encompass every individual experience because individual experience can and does vary widely outside of the group construction. That is a fact. Even if you ask every player concurrently, what they experience still might not be what a new player experiences who logs onto the game 10 seconds after you asked everyone.
As said your evidence is generated by aggregated personal opinions. The only difference is the amount of people who have said it. Just because X amount of people believe something to be true doesn’t automatically make it true; we don’t have a scientific method on the forums. Not sure what the libraries part of that is.
One of the stated GDKP reasons is that they tend to be cleaner since they attract better players since those players are getting de facto paid a base amount. This coincides with what gold can do with you and is not a contradiction, so I’m not sure what you are contesting with this.
You can’t reason with a lion when your head is in its mouth. Dropping next quotes since they agree.
Of course it’s fundamentally an opinion. Some people find casinos fun while others don’t. That is their opinion.
Pro gdkpers have/had a system in place to specifically reduce RNG at one base level. That is a valid reason why some want the system. And it is a big problem for some of those people, hence why they stick to cata and era and don’t play anniversary.