GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

Drug trade is still rampant despite drug dealers being arrested daily

Well sure and it will persist as long as the kitchen keeps cranking it out but limiting access to it via the dealers probably does decrease the overall usage. Or at least I imagine it to be the case, don’t know if there’s any irl examples where they just go after the dealers and not the drug itself.

RMT has been around long before GDKPs, and is still around after GDKPs are banned.

Imagine thinking GDKPs were the problem.

Yeah, blizzard arrested some drug dealers but left the kitchen open for cooks to keep stirring

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The cooks were always there, but some new dealers showed up and instead of closing the kitchen they arrested the new dealers.

I just like how into it the yin and yangs of the forum get. I think everyone agrees that the optimal solution would be to ban the drug entirely but everyone knows blizzard won’t do that so they just get into these contrived arguments. It’s kinda funny in a way.

It’s really just trolls who live here who want endless arguments even though they’re 50 years old.

They dont actually care about what theyre arguing.

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He did say he uses this as a vehicle for entertainment. And seeing that I’m up to almost 300 posts already despite not being here for a week I’d say he’s bang on.

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I do too, its cute when he thinks were really upset

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They dont understand were playing the same game.

We’re just better players. On the forum and in game.

It really doesn’t. You’re basically saying “since we can’t solve this problem 100%, we should make no attempt to mitigate the issue at all”.

Every time someone says “youre basically saying” they just make up a bunch of nonsense.

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Almost like you just did just now? Imagine that.

You can solve it almost entirely, but not 100% entirely.

Banning the auction house, or “solo self found” would mean that if you buy gold, you will have to buy direct mail gold - direct mail gold goes thru the automated ban algorithm (but auctions dont)

This isjust another example of “i pretend to be RMT until it inconveniences me”

You arent actually anti rmt. Im not either, bc i dont want the AH banned just like you dont. Hypocrisy at its finest

I honestly don’t care if the auction house is banned actually… Crazy how you made all those assumptions.

I didnt put words in anyone’s mouth.

Learn to read.

I think the problem is the scale of mitigation is very unclear and skewed depending on who you ask. Some people believe banning GDKPs is like mowing the lawn except you only cut a handful of grass. And since many profit off this activity, they view it as a net negative.

I don’t think you can feasibly dispute GDKP as a RMT incentive. So fundamentally speaking and these numbers are arbitrary of course, if you cut RMT by 5% but in doing so you lose 20% of the population since although not directly doing it they were profiting off that activity, should you make that cut?

Once your brain expands beyond the size of a walnut, maybe we can continue this conversation. Until then :wave:

Clearly this went way over your head.

Well do you support banning the legit first step in acquiring rmt gold? cause this is where it starts

If not, then you arent anti rmt. Im not either, do i think rmt is bad? Yes. But I dont claim to be anti rmt, because I dont want to be a realist and inconvenience myself. I am not on here virtue signaling rmt like everyone else

What do you consider to be the legit first step? I’ll weigh in once you tell me that.

For the record also I’m not anti-RMT.

I don’t really give two craps either way if people want to buy gold.

My issue is the people who try to act like GDKP isn’t just buying gold with extra steps. Just like people who try to say they smoke weed for “anxiety” instead of “to get high”. I respect people who own their decisions instead of sugarcoat them as something else.