Sure and just as easily you can get into some mid guild and raid too.
That’s my point.
Sure and just as easily you can get into some mid guild and raid too.
That’s my point.
Personal loot isn’t really any better. Tbh it’s pretty much identical to group loot; they just removed the rolls. They’re both RNG.
well what do you want then, some cringe token system where you can buy the items you want for X tokens?
Idk if I’d go that far but I’d like gearing to not feel like a slot machine. Not a huge fan of gambling.
Gdkp is arguably harder to get in.
When I started wrath late I had no gold and what do you know? I joined some dad guild that took me instantly.
In small doses I’d say. I mostly play retail because I enjoy M+ but once I hit like 3k I stop. Delves are alright too if I want a solo experience and to just turn my brain off.
honestly it sounds like you don’t know what you want
Kinda true ngl
I suppose I can tell you what I like. I like PvP gearing. It’s straight forward gives me an end goal and I like the gameplay around it. You need X rank to buy Y items. Okay, great. I go get X rank and now I have Y items.
auctions on the auction house
that doesn’t count because we say so
-anti GDKPers
You people really like that auction house example
It cuts the anti-rmt to pieces, i dont even have to talk about gdkps to crush the argument
I think anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together understands that RMT is larger than just GDKP.
Well, there are a couple stooges in this thread that like to gleefully move past the entire subject for reasons I have already stated
Well I think they’ve moved to the converse of the statement
RMT is caused by GKDP ← indefensible point, a lot of sources of RMT
So they take the converse
GDKP is caused by RMT
Or at least Zaalg has. Can’t speak for baboon #1 or the others.
I like this.
Slams down the trolls in 1 swift sweep.
Oh no the ignoramus who takes 9 years to type a paragraph is here.
Well nobody is denying that - epic mounts cause rmt, raid consuymables cause rmt, everything causes rmt.
The problem is instead of being “actually anti rmt” and banning the number 1 recieving method (buying gold via dummy auctions), they want to ban things that people rmt for; which is like going after drug dealers rather than shutting down the kitchen producing the drugs in the first place
They will just ignore this ebcause likely these players are the same ones posting stacks of rough stone for 900g for their sellers to buy out
This is true but a point that has been made, cleaning the streets of these dealers lowers overall drug activity, might and probably is also true to an extent. We just don’t know the extent and we never will.