GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

Yep sounds like the next logical step in the RMT crusade just remove the AH just like diablo 3 did. What could possibly go wrong :smiley:

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They would just move onto the next easiest way to launder rmt.

Oh so it will be in the game regardless, better reinstate GDKPs then since it’s pointless.

Another good idea thanks.

Pro gdkper argument in a nutshell

No critical thinking detected

Irony and sarcasm are lost on the intellectually dishonest.

You have yet to prove you don’t wear a helmet at all times.

Yeah all those players rocking around in game bis because of the AH

Like come on this is primary school stuff

Homie probably cries himself to bed with a joy reid photo wondering why such a wonderful human lost her job.

Theyve been buying gold thru the auction house since p1 classic

its nota gdkp or no gdkp thing, its literally a fail-proof method of buying gold

post on that main of yours

Don’t you dare knock reid!

They’re talking about spending money they made through GDKPs in the auction house. Ignoring the source completely. :rofl:

And of course now the GDKPers buy gold directly from gold sellers (according to crud). So their argument is, “I’m sick of having to buy illegal gold myself. Blizz, being back GDKPs so I get it secondhand!!”


I know you’re a grey parser who clicks his abilities but even you should know a lot of BIS items come from the AH, as well as pre bis that people buy to get into raids to begin with.

Honestly the biggest loss was to the meme community with her firing. God how i will miss the ironic memes.

People who never went to gdkps buy gold and trade it thru the aucrtion house
a streamer did it on stream live, teaching people how to buy goldand not get banned

that clip went on to twitter, with @aggrendwow tagged, and hes stil not banned

Oh yes lionheart helm. 1 item for 1 class.

Now imagine if every single item in the game for every single class could be bought.

People are buying Tier 1 BOEs from the AH for thousands.

Are you really this dense?

Totally not RMT’d btw

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Game bis

Come on primary school stuff here crud

That’s nice.
People buy gold for lots of reasons. One is GDKPs. Banning it was good. :+1:

Your trolling is just pathetic.

It’s funny watching you try to cling onto it. Funny in a pathetic way.

Have I said pathetic yet?