Lionheart, truefaith, Robes of the void, Cloudkeepers I mean I can go on if you like theres plenty of Phase bis on the AH that can be RMT’d.
I’m not the one clinging. Gdkps are banned
0 critical thinking
He doesn’t actually play the game to know that.
deep woods, flurry axe, edgemasters, black lotus, devilsaur, arcanbe crystals, blue sapphire, tier 1, hand
are you anti rmt?
You couldstop gold buying at the source by banning the AH, that way, people would be FORCED to direct mail their bought gold, which would then be picked up by the automated system
youd start seeing bans go out IN MASS
A few pre raid bis items
Compared to every single item that drops off a boss
Primary school stuff here
Yup I’m against rmt. So banning a system ripe with it was good.
You can keep trying to change the subject, but it only serves to illustrate you have no argument about rmt’s involvement in GDKPs.
Weak trolling.
It’s getting worse.
The best way to stop people paying for gear with rmtd gold is to increase the amount of gear they can buy!!
Double digit IQ pro gdkpers
the one thing i can give zaalg credit on hes just plain and simple anti-rmt which is fine atleast he owns it on that front. Even if the majority of his posting is poorly argued.
I can’t imagine what you look like IRL.
I mean, to be THAT person on a video game forum everyday must take its toll on your physical appearance.
why not ban the literal source of untracked gold buying?
Which is the AH
People cant buy gold for anything if they cant move it thru the AH
They would be forced to direct mail it - then they would be sweeped by the automation system
You literally can’t help yourself. You’re incapable of talking about GDKPs.
You realize that’s the same thing as waving the white flag, right?
He says this with 7k posts lololol
Imagine if blizzard actually hired game masters to you know police there game like the good ole days. The amount of banning we would see on the daily would be fantastic.
Why do i need to talk about GDKPS when i can talk about the biggest problem of all?
Why do you refuse to address it?
Is it because this is how YOU buy gold?
Oh 100% this is the way
Hell I’d do it for free, I don’t need the income
7k over 6 years.
You have 1100 over 9 months.
Your post per day is higher kid.
Get slapped again.
honestly surprised blizzard doesn’t take advantage of community GM’s. Final fantasy does it hell my old static’s leader was one of them and they don’t get paid a dime. But again this is the bandaid on a gunshot argument blizzard wants to “Appear” to be doing something but not actually address the problem banning gdkp’s does nothing but make the RMT “Seem” less apparent to the average gamer. The RMT is still going strong and the gold market on all the selling sites is still flourishing with profits lol.
Well, the swipers have apparently given up trying to defend GDKPs.
Gotta love it.
Nice dodge to my questions.
I am now 100% convinced you wont address the auction house because it is how you, yourself buy gold
Zaalg buys gold and recieves it from the seller through the auctrion house, this is why he does not post on his main character and this is why he refuses to discuss AH RMT