You said he’s not doing it for gear.
So he’s not doing it for gear or gold. You’ve found a saint.
You said he’s not doing it for gear.
So he’s not doing it for gear or gold. You’ve found a saint.
Atleast then I would 100% understand the argument if your gonna ban GDKP’s then ban mage boosting and all that jazz. Thats where the RMT lives and breathes you think its GDKP’s? lol Those people literally selling mage boosts are the ones making the real money down in columbia and thailand. My argument there is if your gonna put a bandaid on a gunshot wound then rip the bandaid off otherwise go full surgery and fix the issue. But blizzard won’t because its a direct hit to there revenue stream.
Yeah and you have yet to have any logical reason why the comparison doesn’t work other than some mush brain “people spend 100k in gdkps”, proving you have no clue what you’re talking about.
Yeah and blizzard said they can track it through the AH.
They never said that anywhere, and you won’t be able to show me.
There are literal streamers buying gold in this exact fashion ON stream, because it is an automated system not manual.
Ever see those rough stone auctions up for like 800g a stack? Thats people buying gold and the seller buys the auction.
You realise the same people that were hosting the trade chat gdkps are now boosting?
It’s the same crews / players just going to the next easiest way of making money off a game.
Comparing the AH to gdkps.
Compelling arguments from people with double digit IQ
Compelling case being made by the guy who probably voted for the women who didn’t even have a primary. See how easy it is to say stupid stuff?
iest way of making money off a game.
Show me where blizzard said they track rmt through the AH
I will wait patiently
Another pro gdkper low IQ Strat
Bring in politics
iest way of making money off a game.
Show me where blizzard said they track rmt through the AH
I will wait patiently
“Just trust me bro”
Compelling case being made by the guy who probably voted for the women who didn’t even have a primary. See how easy it is to say stupid stuff?
Everyone who buys gold buys it through the auction house, because the automated system doesnt look for auctions sitting in peoples mailbox
Rough stones for 800g up on the ah, and the players never get banned.
Most people who buy gold dont get banned and 100% of aution house rmters get away with it
If anti gdkp peoplewere truly anti RMT, theyd advocate for an AH ban
but they dont do that, because they are not anti RMT
People are just bored and engaging because of that.
But make no mistake everyone thinks you’re a clueless troll.
Oh I’m really upset the people that can’t afford a $15 a month game sub are upset with me whatever will I do
They have no argument against the rmt involvement in GDKPs, so they try to make it about something else. In this case, about the AH (which is laughable).
It’s a standard forum deflection tactic.
Oh I’m really upset the people that can’t afford a $15 a month game sub are upset with me whatever will I do
still waiting for you to provide me the source that blizzard bans for auctions
The only person who sounds upset is you, every single day here.
Yeah a gaming company will really give away their anti cheat systems.
If you think people aren’t copping bans over AH rmt you are truly delusional.
In this case, about the AH (which is laughable).
its laughable that all rmt gold ismoved thru the auction house avoiding automated bans?
The only gold buyer bans that happen are through direct mail,the auction house avoids that automation entirely
ban the auction house if you are anti rmt,but you arent anti rmt,youre anti-check-my-logs
It’s only moved through the AH now because they can’t do it through gdkps anymore
How clueless are these guys
Stay seething bud
It’s only moved through the AH now because they can’t do it through gdkps anymore
So let’s ban the AH.
Good idea.