GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

Why would you assume he’s lying? He told you logical reasons.

For your second part, idk maybe? Some people would definitely like to just straight up buy the gear and be done with it instead of having to roll. The gold they use doesn’t have to be RMTed either; it could just be legit farmed like some do for AH epics.

WELL. As you guys sit on the thoughts I’ve presented I’m going to bedge. If you’ve continued the discussion I’ll respond tomorrow morning. o/

I look forward to it.

Don’t disappoint me.

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Talk about disingenuous…

GDKPs aren’t forming for that guy even if he happens to get an invite.

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Same goes for the auction house

I made tons of money off gold buyers.

You want to eliminate rmt by a massive margin you ban the auction house, because when people buy gold they move it through there as well as spend rmt gold there

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You don’t do GDKPs and never have.

You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

You lost 36 posts ago.

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Yep lots and lots of money.

But they don’t want to talk about that.

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They don’t actually. I’ve brought it up numerous times and they ignore it


Yeah and blizzard said they can track it through the AH.

Not gdkps.

Are you seeing why it’s banned?

They say “it’s not 100k like a GDKP bid” because they heard on Reddit that every GDKP has 100k bids.

Who said this?

Yeah, to keep grey parsers subs like you activated because you’re so fragile you’d quit over better players enjoying themselves.

And you slurp it up and defend it.

All 40 leave with some washed rmt gold.

Do you see why they are banned?

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Just like everyone who walks away from the AH with gold.

Funny how that works.

Let’s close grocery stores because people buy drugs with money


Let’s stop cartels because they launder money


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and this is different from buying anything on the AH ever how? The vast majority of the gold moving through the economy is RMT’d even the gold you would make off your precious herbs could be bought from RMT. Your just washing it for them. Literally your own logical fallacy falls straight on its face when put to a simple example.

So are gdkps.
Banning one system full of rmt is good. Blizz should go after other methods as well.

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So could you imagine how much more rmt would be going on if every bop item in the game could be bought with no pre requisite?

Or does critical thinking elude you

More like “let’s stop people using fraudulent money at one grocery store while they use it at another” - Ripsod

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Comparing the AH to gdkps.

Compelling arguments from people with double digit IQ

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