Like 1500 posts in the last 2 days about gdkps. That’s way to contentious for blizzard. They definitely won’t be reinstating them.
Keep seething
Like 1500 posts in the last 2 days about gdkps. That’s way to contentious for blizzard. They definitely won’t be reinstating them.
Keep seething
How do you figure? People liking buyable loot and gold is just a coincidence?
It’s all you deranged trolls do all day here.
The proof is here. Every thread nothing but crying from the 4 of you.
If you spent as much time in game as you do on the forum maybe you wouldn’t grey parse.
Yet you are the one with 7000 posts?
Critical thinking has left the building
I’ll answer the first then the second question. It’s disingenuous because you’re oversimplifying the reasons people GDKP by reducing it down to a smaller number of factors than what actually is the reality. Liking buyable loot and gold could be one of those factors, this is true, but it is not the only factor.
Yeah 7000 posts of making people like you look foolish.
Meanwhile you have 1141 posts of nothing but grey parsing tears.
The main reasons people like gdkp are, they get a good rmt payout if they carry.
If they can’t carry they can buy gold to gear an alt.
Hosts like going to the effort of hosting them because they get an even nicer rmt payout.
Critical thinking has left the building
The second you entered yes.
You are addicted to being wrong it’s comical.
Name one factor that isn’t related to ease and/or convenience.
Those are rookie numbers.
The guy with the T3 set laid out several reasons why he prefers GDKPs to MS/OS SR pugs that have nothing to do with pot size. I understand you’re firmly anti gdkp but if you’re going to reject his reasons at least say why.
He’s a troll and he doesn’t actually have much intelligence.
He’s doing the best he can.
Because he’s lying?
Ask this. Take away the gold pot. He going to keep doing them?
Ah the old “he’s lying so I don’t have to explain” argument.
It has worked in every courtroom in the world.
Im failing to understand how this is an argument in the negative for gdkps? Your basically making our biggest point for us. Respect for player time is the #1 driver of raiding in MMOs which is a big factor why games like FF14 have such devout followings. Because the game is designed to respect your time. Players overtime have developed methods to make WoW more convenient in an otherwise inconvenient version of the game. Its antiquated and time consuming to the maximum level to some thats appealing to others they just want to raid thats whats enjoyable to them.
Name one factor that isn’t related to ease and/or convenience.
Perhaps they simply enjoy the process of bidding on loot, regardless if they win said piece or not. I know a ton of people that indulge in gambling activities mid raid; during Hyjal trash a couple guys in my guild used to death roll. They didn’t really care if they won or lost; they simply just liked the activity.
Even if i dont win anything in the run atleast my consumes were covered and maybe i made a bit of profit on the night over the whole raid to cover gearing and consumes on one of my alts. Theres the fact that all 40 people leave with something. Not just a handful of people.
So you’re doing it for the gold. Thanks for verifying.
Yep totally because the rest of the gold making methods are overpopulated by that filthy RMT market you love to harp on. I would love to be able to farm my own consumes and flasks. But this pesky little thing called botters makes it incredibly difficult to get anything done. But hey atleast GDKP’s were banned right? That totally solved that pesky botting problem.