People earned? You mean people bought.
Just because they didn’t rmt, doesn’t mean the gold in the pot isn’t.
This is the same as charging an electric car and saying it produces no emissions. Just don’t look where the electricity comes from.
Being oblivious isn’t an argument.
Again ive yet to see an actual argument that holds any weight on how the ban GDKP’s has actually benefitted the game and reduced RMT and botting?
You mean like all the gold going through AH right now?
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Because once again, convenience is only part of it. Also, stop with the talk about bribes or whatever. SRs suck for the reason I listed hours ago. People leave when their items drop/don’t drop/too many people on their SR/same reasons people leave any pug ie they just don’t wanna stay.
Learn some nuance.
Expecting a group to clear isn’t “convenient” it’s the bare minimum. Raids constantly being available whenever I might want to raid is convenient.
More runs going where you don’t need to buy gold to get into?
That’s the only evidence you need and blizzard needs.
That’s why they are still banned.
He’s literally saying GDKPers are just having to buy gold themselves now. 
No wonder they’re so upset.
Again laughably vague anecdotal statements. Can you atleast attempt to put in effort if your gonna troll. It would make you atleast a top quality troll like corpse. Atleast he puts his main (or semi geared alt) on display to justify his argument.
Much easier to trace than what goes on in a gdkp. Blizzard said exactly this.
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They’re banned because Blizzard wants your money. YOU. The grey parsers who will quit if they don’t ban it.
Yet most people who are in favour of GDKPs will play regardless because they aren’t babies.
Have you seen the nonstop crying?
Like are you good?
“Wahhh I’m not leveling another alt”
Yes it’s all you weird trolls do around here.
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Oh damn y’all really popped off huh
Why would we be the ones crying? We want gdkps banned and they are.
This is some strange levels of critical thinking
Need mystryl to come back I miss that gnome
He’s right about one thing: these types of players will play no matter what. So it would be foolish for Blizz to try to accommodate them. They’re not going anywhere.
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No, convenience is the whole point of it and everything else flows from there. GDKPs didn’t become an alternative because people hated MS/OS SR pugs. They’re an alternative because people like easy gear if they can get it.
Are there advantages to GDKPs over SR pugs? Yeah, sure but it is highly dependent on you’re attitude towards the game. There are advantages to SR pugs over GDKPs depending on your worldview.
GDKPs being better is an opinion, not a fact of life.
Getting the opinions from players who don’t have jobs and rely on the game for income.
Like that’s who he thinks is a good demographic on what is healthy for a video game.
Critical thinking has left the building.
Nice lack of nuance homie. Glad you could not learn anything at all despite being literally spoonfed.
Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive. And also kinda disingenuous.
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