Listen I’m not going to respond to this word wall of nothing. You haven’t provided proof of bot farming not being changed. If provided no evidence of RMT’s not changing. You don’t even post of with a SoD toon. Can I honestly believe for one second that the anecdotical stories you tell are true? I’m at least posting with a SoD char that has seen the current content. You, on the other hand, cannot point to this fact.
Everyone of your posts have been quoting me out of context or twisting my words. I cannot take you seriously as you do not want to have an honest discussion. You point this out and I say hey look at this here. You keep saying no, no evidence. I say hey where is your evidence, I have it just believe me man. No matter what I say or try to get through to you about what it seems Blizzard is doing you don’t care.
So let’s be genuine here and say, You do not care about anything you just want GDKP’s back. That is a fair assumption as you’ve given me no evidence otherwise. You saying hey bro, I report bots. No SoD char, no proof, and no logic means no solid argument.
Let’s sum up your arguments as follows:
1.) The RMT’s and bots haven’t changed since the ban of GDKP’s. Anyone playing the game can tell you that is a lie. I can tell you straight up I haven’t reported a single bot in SoD because I haven’t ran into a single one. Does that mean there are no bots in SoD, no of course not. I’ve reported countless bots in classic so I know what to look for. Well anyone with a brain can tell you less demand for RMT’s means if the supply isn’t changing or going up prices go down. You say there is no proof of this, I point to the RMT people themselves. They have provided us with all the evidence we need. They have it broken down by SoD and by server. If you notice some time in phase 2 it eventually starts to tank to an all time low and stay there.
2.) You’ve stated the real problem is RMT’s and not GDKP’s. You’ve further stated that they shouldn’t what to do something go after RMT’s but leave GDKP’s alone. I’ll be blunt with you, you have no evidence as to why they went after GDKP’s. You have zero, none to show this it’s pure conjecture. Now I can look at this saying and say that your statement holds some water. Why would I say that though? Well it makes some sense as to the fact I understand the GDKP’s indirectly and directly lead to RMT’s. So while know that, I also know that Blizzard is short staff and this is an easier fix. I derived this with common knowledge on hand and logic. You seem to not have a problem with this as it benefits you.
3.) You point out that the cons do not out weight the pros and that GDKP’s should be implemented. You have no evidence of this as I pointed out many of times. Just because you put more weight behind certain pros doesn’t make them out weigh the cons in reality. If you cannot understand the effects of RMT’s on the economy and Blizzard’s short staff, then that’s your problem. Until Blizzard themselves or through community response decides that pros out weigh cons GDKP’s will continue to be banned. For every person complaining about not having GDKP’s on here there are more that want them to stay banned. Blizzard knows something, they have the data. Why wouldn’t they if it was a failure not unban GDKP’s? We are going on 3 out of 4 phases without it. The answer to all of this Blizzard knows something and will leave it like it is. Personally I’d like to know what the data shows.
4.) You’ve said the economy wouldn’t suffer because of GDKP. Anecdotal evidence from many of players says otherwise and was lead to the banning to begin with. You say these are the minority however the minority is still the community whether you like it or not. You have no proof, by the way, that it is the minority you just like to think so.
5.) I’m openminded to the bot claim as I don’t know what you saw. After arguing in circles about this, I’m going to say you have no evidence. You are posting SoD and you are not playing SoD. So you have zero evidence or proof about that bots. You are probably confused as you are posting on an Era char and seeing all the bots. I gave you a benefit of a doubt to have an honest conversation about it and yet you seem to make that impossible. I point to the fact that they might make profit now but if GDKP’s comes back they’ll make more money.
6.) You say that banning GDKP’s is like banning fishing because of bots. I pointed out to you that if you ban fishing no one can fish. If you ban GDKP’s people can still raid. GDKP’s are a type of raid and to make this relevant it’d be a type of fishing. Even after explaining that to you, you are saying well I meant it this way. Said I was arguing in bad faith, I’m just pointing out logic. If that’s bad faith then everything I’m saying to you is bad faith, that’s your problem with reality.
7.) You’ve argued this game belongs to the community. You a communist? The game is owned by Activision/Blizzard which is now Microsoft. If Bill Gates wants to shut down WoW, guess what he can. We rent this game each month and play it. They own all rights to the game, but without players the game cannot go on. Player’s are what bring the game money and that is what they are a business. So every now and then they’ll listen to the people that pay them. Doesn’t change the fact that property rights exist, end of story. Can’t believe you argue over this easily proven fact.
8.) I did accuse you of being involved with the RMT circuits. Evidence is you don’t post on SoD, you have no evidence to the contrary. You also state things like bots are all over the place, their not. I think in short you are lying and want GDKP’s back at all costs so you can continue your operation. Gold is all time low and you got to make some cash man. Stay out of SoD, we don’t want that kind of player base.
9.) You’ve argued population drop one for one from phase 1 to 2. Based on a graph that shows chars raiding. Phase 1 level cap of 25 and 10 man raid with GDKP’s around. There will be a few alts here and there raiding. Therefore it’s not an accurate representation of the player base. This is relevant to the conversation because you make the false claim that all of these people left. It was fluff, did people leave of course. It was no where near as much as you like it to be.
10.) You argue GDKP’s are better loot systems. Your evidence losing to grey parses by /rolls. They also give you nothing for showing up. I think we can agree /roll guilds are bad, don’t play in them. I points out the DKP guilds give you points for showing up to spend on gear. I pointed out LC’s should be giving out gear based on attendance and player performance. I also said that LC’s might have bias, but all loot systems have issues. I pointed out GDKP’s biggest issue is being typed to RMT’s directly and indirectly.
At the end of the day I’ve provided more evidence than you. You’ve provided zero and I’ve at least provided gold prices as a point. So that is still more evidence than you. Other point I’d point out, SoD posting player. You claim to play, no proof.
The reality is no matter what I say or try to help you see you won’t understand. You won’t agree, and if I make a valid point you call it a bad faith argument. You provide no evidence only conjecture. It’s almost like speaking to a child and them continuously asking me why.
Also don’t say fact-based or evidence. You have no evidence at all and all your other fan boys are just going along with you as they are in lockstep with you. The want GDKP’s returned no matter the cost, and that’s fine. Just be honest when we talk instead of forcing illogical talking points and conjecture to make your point.