GDKP in Season of Discovery

If you thought I wasn’t an idiot I assure you that you were wrong I am almost certain that compared to most I am an idiot thankfully I am ok with it lol sorry to disappoint

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Im more of an idiot, im a truck driver.

Im a high school drop out.

Even i can grasp supply/demand.

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What’s the over/under on be being right?

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Hey I didn’t say I didn’t like ya. You are by far my favorite pro-gdkp shill.

But I don’t y’all are gonna get it back in SoD.

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I dont play SOD anymore anyway, havent logged on in like 3-4 months.

Phase 4 doesnt look good.

Hell everyone i know who played isnt even talking about phase 4, it has 0 hype behind it.

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I hear cata pvp is popping. They’ll be back to retail soon enough, though. The high end pvpers, that is.

I wonder what happens after Cata Classic and MoP Remox? Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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I think they are preparing to go back to a singular game of WOW. Seasonal game Cata and MOP at the same time I don’t know MOP remix signals to me Cata is the end of the line doubt we are gonna get a third release of TBC for ERA or Hardcore

Hard to say. Also who knows what happens after this trilogy of expansions. Maybe something real new?

Anyway, fun times all around waiting to see what’s coming.

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People still dont know how gdkps work even after blue posts
-Expirements need to expire.
You guys are worried about how gdkps erode guild culture? But you have no tools to help guilds manage in classic. Guilds are falling apart because of the lack of structure so far. People dont want to pay to play a PTR of a PTR, they also dont want to grind Rep like they had to(This is already being fixed)
I dont think GDKPs are the driving force behind RMT, but instead its perhaps the easiest way for sellers to sneak gold under the noses of blizzard. (Please note that we have multiple detection methods for GDKP that are effective both inside and outside of dungeon or raid instances.) So Then why dont they just catch the people with huge gold fluctuations.
Theres so many examples, even in this thread of people buying gold for boosts and professions, and so many terrible comparisons to classic era where gdkps have ran rampant for years. And AH inflation means absolutely nothing when it comes to gdkps.
The “Arms race” they are talking about is the same thing if you take out GOLD and add DKP. ITS THE SAME THING, PEOPLE HOARD POINTS SO THEY HAVE PRIORITY ON LOOT.
The problem is botters, RMT and poor economic choices on BLIZZARDS end.
When people complain about over priced consumes, have they considered a) farming mats, b)going without the consume? I bet you could farm plague bloom and sell it at a fair price if youre on a server with terrible inflation.

Cutting people off from a reward system is the number 1 way to lose players. Why would they play if they get no reward for their time and effort?
Ive seen more feedback wanting gdkps reinstated than i have for keeping it banned.
but I guess if they want Classic Andys to finally adapt to playing retail, they gotta babyspoon the content into their mouths and make them feel loved. The rest of the gamers are moving on.
Good luck


It’s pretty simple take away demand and it falls. You haven’t supplied evidence to the contradiction. You’ve been spinning in circles asking me for evidence. I point to something that makes sense. That’s not enough, well where is your evidence? You are the one claiming it was failed show me proof. It’s all made up conjecture.

So I never said they couldn’t do RMT’s I stated they don’t have the staff to handle all the RMT flow with GDKP’s going on. I pointed to and gave specific examples how a GDKP alt can directly and indirectly affect RMT’s. You once again haven’t show me that they can keep up with RMT’s and that banning is pointless besides more conjecture.

Yes, I’ve said many of times the only thing that is stopping GDKP’s is RMT policing. Otherwise this deep in it should of returned by now.

I’ve never acknowledged them. I gave you the benefit of a doubt in good favor even though you issued me no proof. They may turn a profit but it’s extremely small. If it’s still a profit it is still a profit. My argument if you bring back GDKP’s the increase in RMT’s indirectly and directly will increase demand allowing them to make more money.

Justification appears to be based in reality. I’m open to any suggestions you may have as to why they would not allow GDKP’s. It isn’t something they removed from the game. They said hey don’t do this thing or we’ll ban you. It’s not like they altered something huge. It’s easily reversable.

If you don’t understand what ownership is, I have nothing to say to you. I pointed out that they own the rights to the game. We rent characters from them. That character stays with the account and with blizzard.

I’ve highly suggested that you may be involved with RMT’s. Reason is simple you are very very relentless on having GDKP’s unbanned. You have posted with a non-SoD char and shown through comments that you are hard pressed on unbanning GDKP’s. You also dance around the ideas that w/o GDKP’s you cannot enjoy this game at all. So I’ll say it again, you have suspicions about RMT all around you. Technically speaking by supporting GDKP’s you are pretty much supporting RMT’s indirectly. There is Justification, enjoy.

You are twisting my words. I stated that w/o GKDP’s alt would be down and they are. If you do not see that on the graph they are using for population then you’re blind. Gold selling decreases without demand congrats on that. Lower population isn’t a benefit that is wrong. I said it would more correctly reflect the playerbase without alt fluff.

When you have less of something it’s easier to complete the job.

To sum this all up, I’ve made logical statements. These statements were based on the knowledge at hand. They were used in the common sense of the structure that we call reality. Everything I’ve said your counter claim is “No Justification” the funny thing is, I’ve put forth more than you have. Your arguments lack logic on multiple fronts. You have exhausted all your arguments to make this summarized post that tells me nothing, except you cannot read proper statements. I’ve took multiple statements of mine out of context and twisted my words. Knowing full well what you were doing along with that fact you honest have no intention of having a honest conversation.

Your gold logic only holds water on profit. If profit margins are extremely low and they make money they will continue to farm gold. Doesn’t matter as long as they make profit. You are saying that because of this bring back GDKP’s. I point and say because of this they are making terrible profit margins even any at all. Gold is the lowests ever been on SoD and has followed the trend of the GDKP ban. All of those statements are factual and are backed by graphs.

I only have one question to you about the gold pricing. If GDKP’s return will gold prices go up. I’ll answer for you since you love to dodge questions, yes it will. When it does profit margins will go up, this is hand in hand.

Connecting the dots lets go you like to play this game so lets play. RMT’s decreased the gold prices reflect that done. The bots are still there, who cares, the RMT’s are down they are making crap gold. So low the economy isn’t suffering, unless we unban GDKP’s. If GDKP ban was effective we would see a major decline in bot activity, this is funny. You literally said if they are making profits why are there still bots selling gold. Well they are making profits or their hording gold either way they are not going anywhere at the moment. Guess what they are doing though, they are selling gold at extremely low rates. GDKP’s returning would start profit margins back up again and breathe new life into the gold selling cartel. You cannot deny this and you haven’t argued logically about this. I’m just going to say this your saying the RMT’s and bots haven’t gone anywhere has no factual basis at all. I’m not seeing bots no where near classic levels. SoD has actually been a better experience for me so much so I haven’t reported any bots. So I’m either the luckiest person ever or bots have declined. I’d like to think the latter, but you’ll cry foul again with no justification. You don’t understand supply and demand that’s fine I get it. You pretend you do but you don’t. Let me explain it to you, more RMT’s higher gold prices. The opposite is true and what increases RMT’s? GDKP’s increase RMT’s. How do they increase RMT’s well indirectly and directly of course. Directly meaning buying gold for GDKP’s. Indirectly meaning boosting, consumes, gear, and profession crafting. Reason I stress the indirectly part is because GDKP’s pros is being able to play more alts. This is what I stress the most. There is hard logic behind what I said, but you don’t want to hear it because it’s bad for your argument. So I’ll just wait until you do the next reply of no justification.

TLDR: I replied to a guy that I’ve been talking to for awhile now. Trying to have a civil conversation with facts/logic based statements. He then goes and says nearly everything I’ve said has no justification while providing it in prior posts. Why would he say that you ask? Because the arguments I present make logical sense and the only thing he can say is where is your proof. I provide said proof with information on hand, and yet he says no it’s the opposite with his statements. His statements are literally illogical and have no proof to back them up. GDKP’s cause indirect and direct RMT’s to increase. No more to say.

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oh another note, if they wanted to get rid of whales and big buyers/sellers.
why not just lower the gold cap for all characters so that it scales with their lvl. I bet you might piss off some gold sellers if you take 100k off the top.
im getting tired of bad takes lol


So answer me this.

Do you think the people who bought gold stopped buying gold because gdkps are banned?

This was a genuine effort to summarize dozens upon dozens of posts based on what you actually said. No spin, no gotchas intended. Not going to waste time finding the quotes because it doesnt matter if you’re now saying that you believe something else. It’s just difficult to capture what your actually saying as a succinct argument to discuss because when I do you’ll change it. Let me try again based on these corrections.

But before I do that…

Common man, in the very same post as the one you quoted I’ve done exactly this.
Seriously? Stuff like this is why it’s exhausting to talk to you.

  1. You’ve stated that GDKPs create an increased demand for RMTs, implying that RMT demand fell significantly following the GDKP ban. You’ve offered gold prices as justification for thinking this a couple of times, but mostly just stated this as a fact. (Unchanged)

  2. You’ve stated that Blizzard is challenged to police RMT and used that as a justification for the ban, implying that GDKP increases RMT and banning it is a budget friendly control on RMT. No justification provided for policing RMT being a challenge. Otherwise this is related to (1) for justification. (Updated)

  3. You’ve acknowledged the pros of GDKP, but claim the increased RMT activity outweighs the pros as a con. Related to (1) for justification. (Unchanged)

  4. You’ve stated that the economy suffers with GDKP. No justification provided. (Unchanged)

  5. You’re openminded to the claim that there are lots of bots even today, but stated that they aren’t making much money. Gold prices offered as justification. (Updated)

  6. You’ve offered the fact that Blizzard hasn’t reinstated GDKP as evidence that the ban is working. Justification appears to be faith in Blizzard. (Unchanged)

  7. You’ve stated that this is Blizzard’s game not the player’s/community’s and that the devs will take this same position if asked. No justification provided (Unchanged)

  8. You’ve accused me of supporting the RMT community and criticized me for posting on a classic era character. No justification provided. (Unchanged)

  9. (Removed). I think alts are pretty much the same value to the population as mains, but this topic isnt relevant to the active conversation.

  10. You’ve stated that less RMT makes it easier to ban. For manual processing, no justification needed. For automated, no justification provided (Updated)

Can we agree on that? ^

First, the primary fact-based justification you seem to be providing is gold prices. You are otherwise referring to your own viewpoints as logical, common sense, and representative of reality. That’s not a very strong argument so im trying to focus on the statements with actual justification behind it (i.e gold prices).

Second, if my arguments lack logic you are welcome to point that out, but simply stating it isn’t convincing.

First, you’ve not defeated any of my arguments. Not 1. Tell me which of my arguments are exhausted?

Second, I’m the one genuinely trying to compress things down into something we can actually discuss. You are all over the place and denying statements that you literally said earlier. If im so dishonest about it (really…) and you are so clear in your statements then you should have no problem summarizing your position into a few points. Go for it, and try to include some justifications that are meaningful.

Now, about gold prices.

I think you should reread my post if you want to talk about it. I answered your question. The answer is no. Profit margins will always be small, profits go up because bot volume goes up. More gold sold at the same price. Why? Read my post.

Your first sentence is wrong. Again, read my post if you want to know why. RMT volume does not raise and lower gold prices the way you think it does. Thats not how low profit margin businesses work. You’re not going to sell at a loss and so a drop in demand doesnt reduce the price much because there isnt much profit, instead it reduces production in order to allow demand to catch up to supply.

This is false and I explained in detail why.

Have you seen the videos of bots? The threads complaining about bots? And this is with a SoD population thats down 90%.

I’ve debunked this multiple times. You keep saying it as a fact. We’re going in circles.

Lol, so playing alts is a negative now? :joy: You cant be serious. That’s a pro for GDKP no matter how you spin it.

This is true. But I went ahead and debunked it anyway.

I’m asking for justification. Thats not the same a proof. Proof may be impossible given the limited data. But you should be able to explain why you feel your position is justified. Mostly you’ve just claimed to be logical and stated things as self evident. I’ve taken the time to distill them down to concrete arguments and debunked them.

“His statements are literally illogical” lol yeah okay. You’re not winning any debates like that dude. You just keep repeating the same argument that I already dismantled. You ignored it and then call me illogical.

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I swear some of ya’ll argue more than a room full of lawyers. I mean wtf kinda posts are these man?

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It’s because the pro GDKP individual’s income depends on scraping gold from GDKPs and selling it on. They are really invested in this issue.


so not evidence then? just something you think that makes sense, which is gold prices = down ? the majority of the community quit the game and those that remained had a gold source better than anything a version of classic wow has ever seen

I miss when WoW was just a game.


Lol exactly banning GDKP was only part of the strategy give Blizzard time it is clear they are experimenting with multiple strategies to combat the bots and RMT in a seasonal game. They left established games alone the GDKP ban could very well be temporary at the very least it is only banned in SOD. There is not a blanket cure Blizzard is experimenting that is a good sign. I understand not wanting to invest 100s of gold on consumes to do a raid where some of the weaker raiders could drag down the whole group down and with no incentive for the strongest players to stay and finish but that is what makes SOD great. It is like classic with training wheels a great place for new or weaker players to try multiple classes and easier raids. The level caps have prevented people who tend to quit or fear starting late in the game from feeling to far behind to catch up. This game is a great training ground IMO. If GDKP is a community than band together and raid with each other and if the ban gets lifted you will be ready.

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While in classic there were gold cap based on levels, you could have another account parked outside lvl 60 with gold cap. They also just have someone carry it for them or give it organizer. Usually the organizer has a few trustful people to trust as there are large amounts of gold in some of these runs. People always seem to find a way to figure things out unfortunately.

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Let me make a more reasonable question. If you decreased your spending of gold, would you buy less or more gold through RMT’s?