GDKP in Season of Discovery

Regardless if you’re for or against GDKP it is shameful that they’ve ghosted the topic after having the nerve to step in and claim they are running an experiment.


Shameful lol yes be ashamed blizzard how can these guys “win” WOW without GDKP. Don’t you understand can’t you see how upset they are :sob:
Diescumdie gently pats Bergelmir on the head.


Fair enough, I’m not gona lie it irritates me to no end reading the forums some times and seeing people make such poor arguments or just flat out lie. I can only think they don’t really care about the health of the game or others enjoyment and just want to make everyone else experience miserable.

This stuff is just weird though…

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Diescumdie picks their nose and wipes it on Brucebaner

GDKP increased the amount of RMT is it really that hard to understand?

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Just pat his head and move on or shoo him
It worked for me

Source on this?

You’re literally playing the version called Season Of Swiping.


They can say the same thing for you and the people who want GDKP. Everyone here circles the drain along with the game. It’s pointless. If Blizzard wants to run a circus be a clown or stop eating the **** sandwich.

The latter isn’t going to happen obviously. So hopefully P4 is actually good or they release a TBC server (thats what I miss anyway).

P4 good?

I mean you can see it and see it isn’t going to be good.

It’s MC and Ony lmfao.


I was really surprised when Wotlk came and they didnt give us the option to stay TBC forever… hoping for this too.

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I feel like everyone is finally accepting that TBC was peak WoW after going through Wrath

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Banks increase the amount of bank robberies.
Alleyways increase the amount of muggings
Freeways increase the amount of speeding

So ban banks, alleyways, and freeways?

Is it really so hard to understand how bad of an argument that is?

This entire policy and subsequent debate is so obviously flawed it’s ridiculous.

The only way it makes sense is if you think GDKP has no utility. Of course, if you don’t like GDKP you might think that. But the fact is it does have utility and that’s why the community selects it time and time again. What is the utility? I explained it here:

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yeah but society needs these things wow doesnt need GDKP…


and when / if something is deemed bad enough for society…
It gets banned.

GDKP = asbestos


Society doesn’t need SOD.

The numbers reflect that.


i sure hope that you can get the help you need. were talking about a video game, not real life. i assume you struggle to find the difference between the two since you cant seem to differentiate and tried to compare the two. good luck you are going to need it.


Don’t even need numbers, games are technically not required by society.


I mean people upbidding on gear is cringe and bad for play. But maybe allow people to bid on cosmetics, flavor items, and mounts.

So the argument is no longer about RMT, the argument is you don’t see the utility of GDKP. You know who does see the utility? The community that created it.

You’re supportive of the ban not because it is justified, but simply because you dont like GDKP. This is the whole problem with the policy, the folks defending it, and especially the devs that implemented it.


What help would that be?

Can you teach me how to be bad at wow?