GDKP in Season of Discovery

Unhinged eh look I’m happy with the ban you pro GDKP fools are the players that want that changed I’m just saying it won’t happen the way you are going about it. In my opinion you guys are unhinged you guys are coming from a place of anger. Also I work overnights that was not 24 hours just unusual hours.

Because it was an improvement :clap::+1:

You know you can just form an opinion and make a statement without all the screenshots/quotes leaning pretty heavy on pulling things out of context. But thanks for your thoughts bot.

Because the ban is popular why mention it? If you want GDKP why not go to era? I’ve never even seen you on a SOD toon so your motives seem strange.

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You even know what projection means? It is more likely based on the fact that GDKP is still banned that the pro GDKP argument is false and full of fallacies. But whine more keep trying it’s super amusing to read.

Either these guys really really love SoD :man_shrugging:t3:
Or there is more at stake here…hmm :moneybag:


This is only a forum. If you want to accuse people of selling gold, don’t be a coward about it. Just go ahead and say it.

Unban gdkps made playing alts atleast 10x more fun


People who stand by a loot system that has been proven to promote an activity in violation of the ToS are scum, ftfy.


I’m sure the gdkp discords started promoting a deal giving away illegitimate gold in exchange for spamming the forum.

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Care to elaborate your thought process on this and explain how it does not apply to every other situation where gold is used in exchange for something?

Cause you know… everything that can be traded for gold

But yeah, keep calling people scum, sure makes you look intelligent and on some kind of moral high ground /sarcasm

Edit: How you guys get away with name calling on the forums really blows me away though.

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Anyone else notice that this guy never actually states an opinion. He just throws out poorly worded insults the equivalent of I know you are but what am I. BTW sick burn dude lol
Diescumdie drops their trousers and moons you.


Are you okay? Cause it really doesn’t seem like you are.

Correct I haven’t been trying to discussion my opinions. With how “discussion” goes here there would be no point. I don’t mind wasting my time calling people out when they spew personal attacks, bad arguments or lies.

You all see that blue post 07/11 P4 I’m so excited!

Like you yourself do? lol thanks mommy for getting those big meanies. Diescumdie continues to moon Brucebaner

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You’re still engaging people though and accomplishing the opposite.

Its like trying to prove how not mad you are to the people calling you mad. Like you need a form of validation so you can keep going such as ‘Heh. Im just entertained by all these CHILDREN arguing with me.’

Don’t kid yourself.


“Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy for later phases of Season of Discovery.”

Bring back gdkps


Especially with how the release structure of SoD broke a lot of guilds would love to see GDKP’s help form more groups.

Alt GDKP’s definitely were a way to find raiders and fund raiding. I donno how we are going to afford stuff like lionheart this go round.


Please no GDKPS :pray:

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Should’ve farmed more this phase