GDKP in Season of Discovery

ahh so we have come to the root of everything finally you head is soo far up your butt you think your better than everyone else. because of a number you got in a video game. the best part its a 3rd party site rating not even an accomplishment in the game itself. sad life you live.

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no the argument is about rmt your the clown that brought in a real life comparison to a video game.

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Notice how you brought parses up but I didn’t?


You’re projecting your insecurities.

your implying parses here and your more than welcome to look up my parses

Why would I ever bring up parses on a SOD forum?

You going to show me how well you stand still and fight defenseless bosses?


idk man you called me bad but looking at your CATA parses i don’t really think you have room to talk.

Yea im doing 6+ mechanics and doing kill strats for prog and not parse strats.

You wouldn’t even be 3/13 Heroic yet lmfao.

You would be like Williamferal 1/13 Heroic.

Had to double check, yea still 1/13H.

warcraftlogs dot com/character/us/bleeding-hollow/mcbeardy#zone=35&difficulty=4

my healing logs from heroic ammerdrisil where you know there’s 6 plus mechanics and you have to do kill strats as well. You are bad LOL

You’re linking me healing logs and you’re averaging a 41??

And it’s HEALING logs lmfao???

Who suffers more, me doing mechanics that literally don’t count on logs or you HEALING?

Doing add damage that LITERALLY doesn’t count on WCL.

best performance aver is what I’m looking at. and yes healing logs you still have to do mechanics and cast spells. plus the only way for me to get a higher healing parse is for my group to f up. your parses don’t require others to f up apparently you just suck at pressing buttons.

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Yes but your healing will ALWAYS count.

My damage doesn’t ALWAYS count because of the way WCL is doing Cata parses for this phase.

Magmaw adds don’t count, so my 3-5 million damage to them doesn’t count, VS parse strat where you have someone kite them and everyone kills only the boss

My damage on the adds on twins doesn’t count where I literally go to a spirit realm for 90 seconds and kill adds that WCL doesn’t count.

My guy you just have 0 idea what you’re talking about.

Go look at my wotlk logs.

You’re actually trolling.

its okay man your bad we get it your trying to come up with excuses its okay just accept it.

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I’m better than you at the very least, I atleast have cutting edges.

You a whole ahead of the curve raider.

ahh yes thank you for confirming that you are perpetually online and would waste time raiding mythic for cutting edge. you are bad.

He sits in his truck 6 hours a day waiting for real men to fix it for him.

What else is there to do lmao.

Not parse apparently.

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I don’t do it anymore.

I haven’t done retail since Legion.

If you look up your raids DPS in the guild you ran in they are mostly all grey and green parsers.

You just got lucky you’re healing.

lol no they arnt

You’re in the same guild name.

You have 13 DPS who are grey and green

You have 8 DPS who are blue and you have 5 DPS who are purple.

You have no Orange/Pink DPS players.

You were just lucky you healed.

You can look at how I finish raid tiers by me literally finishing almost every WOTLK tier with a 99+ best.

Cata just has more mechanics that doesn’t count on logs, idk what you want me to do, I guess I will tell my raid lead to kick rocks I’m not going to do his strats or assignments because some sod player who would grey parse as DPS isn’t happy with my logs.

It’s funny you said they weren’t when you linked the logs.

Go to patch 10.2 look at first kill and it links your guild, click on the guild and hit rankings and click same raid tier you linked and patch 10.2

Y’all a bunch of grey/green parsers.

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yeah because everyone there is in the main raid team /s there are 9 green parses 3 of which are alts 1 is a tank and 1 is a healer thats switches dps so that 4 green parsers for dps none of the grey parsers are main raiders. everyone else is blue and purple, thanks for thinking you know more about my raid team than me though it game me a good laugh.

Funny how defensive you get when its your parses that are trash.

Lash out lil doggy.