GDKP in Season of Discovery

But I thought GDKP was for the people. Save Azeroth! Bring back GDKP! I’m just showing you why some of us are against that. You could be mature and explain that no not all of us feel that why. Pro tip not everyone who agrees with you is helpful to the cause.

When your argument solely depends on your personal experiences with individual people, it means nothing.

If you want credibility, then base your arguments on actual knowledge.

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Wasn’t an argument more like an expression of opposing opinions that sure got weird Brucebaner wasn’t really clear about the point he was trying to make but if anyone wants clarification on how we got to this point start with Blackuncle’s first reply to me. If you don’t care I don’t blame you not much substance but I find these fools hilarious so if you enjoy laughing over petty squabbles go ahead give it a scim lol.


Finally we can agree

Sounds about right

Name checks out

You ain’t getting GDKP back in SOD lol. Does that make you mad? I bet it does based on how many posts you make about it. You really should go back to era or a private server.
But if you want to be upset on your hopeless crusade and troll all day go ahead lol.

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Lol still focused solely on me I’m loving this attention. Wasn’t there another guy saying something about sticking to the topic instead of focusing on 1 person. He said attacking but that word is a bit to aggressive to explain the situation IMO. But since you are using my posts to frame things in your favor I’m just going to reiterate to anyone new to the thread if you want the full story you gotta start with Blackuncle’s reply to me

Thanks for your permission to post feedback on the forums designed for exactly this purpose. Got anything to contribute? Any remaining arguments against GDKP? Guess not.

There’s no argument for or against that has not been stated numerous times on these forums already and you know it. Seethe all you want it’s not coming back to SOD anytime in the foreseeable future.

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The difference is that all the arguments in favor of the ban have turned out to be false.

The way experiments should work is you take note of the impact of the change. You dont simply make the change based on a theory and walk away.

So we’re discussing this failed policy and asking for it to be overturned.

Exactly the reason it will stay. It’s the only version that has the ban. It’s been an experiment.

Also the reason it will stay is that unlike some other features of the game this one clearly divides people. It’s your opinion that the arguments in favor are false. Others do not share that opinion. In fact many of the arguments pro-dkp people are using right now are based on a logical fallacy lol. If it was as popular as you try to make it out to be it would be back by now. It’s not coming back anytime soon man lol.

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If the goal of the policy is to drive all the GDKPers out of the game, mission accomplished. That seems to be the actual goal of the anti-gdkp crowd.

The stated goal of addressing bots and RMT? Utterly failed.

You calling logical fallacy without even offering a quote or example argument to discuss? Cool story bro.

Good luck in your crusade man. Looking forward to seeing your posts during no GKDP phase 4 lol.

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have you ever thought that maybe a good portion of gdkp players only played gdkp because it was the fastest way to get gear and stay relevant with the population but actually prefers a game without it? I’m sure a lot of players felt forced into gdkp or participated anyways because that was the meta. Time investment in characters will cause players to also “deal with it” because they’ve already spent 100 hours or more on that character regardless of the state of the game. When gold buyers and gdkpers jack up the prices so high on the auction house because of the influx of gold, then the fresh non-gdkp player then becomes a gdkp player because he cannot afford 500,000 gold on consumables.

GDKPers also give off the vibe that they hate wow but keep playing it. Like why are you trying so hard to shorten the playtime of your character to get geared? Do you hate raiding that much? I KIND OF get it if your having trouble farming something for your pvp gear, but man, JOIN A SOFT RESERVE GUILD I REPEAT JUST JOIN A GUILD…

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it was a combination of a lot of things… but not 20 mans :expressionless: if the game was any good, people would’ve figured out a way to recruit more raiders.

pure projection :expressionless: the anti-gdkp side has only 1 “argument” (more like a fallacy): pretending everyone who likes gdkp is a gold buyer.

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that’s a cute theory but you have no proof to back it up :expressionless: and the decline in players since the gdkp ban happened kinda goes against this idea. i suppose the “omg 20 mans so haaard, it’s the 20 mans faultttt” is the cope here though.

I’m sure a lot more choose it because they prefer it. Nobody forced this meta, the community chooses it time and time again, until blizzard decided they knew better and look where that got us.

I had a guild, and we did GDKP because it is the best loot system available.

No shot you’re making this post after your unhinged 24 hours of posts.

Easy to say in a post, why dont you use a quote?

What does sympathy have to do with a policy about loot settings?

You just admitted you changed your view based on how 3 people talked to you. You arent objective and your views depend on if you like the person you’re talking to. Not interested. I don’t care if you like me, I’m still right and you know it.

Some things arent broken, you just need to take it out of service to make sure its ready for the next group of customers. (a good scrub down on the filthy botters)

Id agree that theres more RMT in alt boosting(Lvling,Proffs,buying prebis) than there is in GDKP. The people buying/selling boosts are the problem more than anyone else. Without the boosters you would have more people playing the lower lvl content, building communities through it and who knows, maybe even share their provisions to the group in exchange for some gold.

This is where the logic gets lost in the fluff, 95% of people that go to GDKPS are not buying gold for that GDKP, they’re going into Guild alt runs/MS>OS runs to obtain gear once they get enough gear they switch to GDKPS and complete enough raids until they’re able to buy the gear that they want.

with the example that you used that was based on an Fresh Alt being created, now dont forget about the Main in this whole equation, the main is also doing GDKP’s and not buying anything, and just saving up Their Gold.

What you just explained is what something a whale would do.

If i were to create an alt i would send my main through GDKPS, use that gold from the GDKPS and boost my alt while im at work, once my Alt hits max level i start doing MS>OS runs or guild runs with my alt to get him gear, while im waiting for my alt to get geared up the conventional way i would do GDKP’s on my main to save up more gold and level his profs from the AH ( with my mains GDKP gold) once my alt is 90% bis geared i would put them into GDKPs to just accumulate more gold, after that im raid logging on 2 toons, and creating another alt to do the same thing all over again until i have enough gold to buy the hard to obtain items that my dog water rolls could never win, or just accumulate gold so i dont have to worry about consumes and extra stuff since raiding at higher levels Requires you to bring expensive consumes.

Its a perfect example because the ice cream machine was never broken, they’re just to lazy to clean it up so they refused to use it. ( blizzard doesnt want to clean up the bot problem/RMT problem) so they make the player base responsible for doing it.

This mind set of its a players responsibility was cultivated from ERA, as you could go to Diremaul and see the hordes of bots doing jump runs, Or go to EPL and find hordes of bots fly hacking behind the chapel, Or watching them go in and out of Strat, When all it would take is to get a GM and place them outside of any of these instances to get rid of them, Even got to the point where players were actively killing the bots to for the best Honor per hour rate and making youtube videos out of it.

The old classic lead dev and currently lead dev even said to report the Bots so they would know.

Thats not true either, the majority of players inside of a GDKP are already in a guild, even without GDKP’s there is still people not apart of a guild, and thats completely fine. You could say the same thing about MS>OS runs, the only difference is that the people that are not in guilds are more than likely to leave if the boss doesnt drop an item that they’re looking for.

Yes, this statement would definitely apply to variations of the a game that can no longer offer you content after you reached bis geared. from phase 1, there was multiple ways of how you could play the game, you could beat BFD once and call it, get your bis gear and call it and wait for phase 2, or you can do GDKP’s and keep playing as your still being rewarded for your time, especially when the content is overly drawn out (level bands) I am 100% agreeing with you on the level band content and drawn out content is incredibly boring, and feels extremely bad, gdkps levitate that feeling to a degree, but it doesnt abolish the problem of content.

it happened in retail WAY more than just once, you had wrath lasting 2 years (still pretty good content) then again in WOD(just bad content expect for a few patches) then again in Shadowlands( all of it was bad content) GDKP’s did not exist because of personal loot that started in legion, But with GDKPS gone, you had Mythic+ that would replace GDKP’s with Key boosting, cutting edge, or Heroic clears, it shifted the balance.

So yes. if the content is bad then there will be less players.

Sod doesnt have bad content, its just drawn out, thats what makes it bad, as GDKPS would levitate that problem, Just like TBC had bad content, but GDKPS made the content barrable. you think people liked Mount hyjal, or Tempest keep? it was god awful.

This is where we disagree, and thats okay.

People didnt quit because GDKPS were a thing, but when gdkps got ban people did quit, thats the difference here.

Thats another aspect of keeping the world alive no?

or maybe this game isnt ment for you? you can play wow in a MANY MANY different ways, if you wanted to pay gold for boosting in whatever aspect of the game that you could get boosted in may it be pvp or pve, i wont care.

If you wanted to sit in org or stormwind and throw on the stone tablet transmog/trinket and RP as a door, i wont care.

If you wanna go out to some random hut in the middle of stone mountain or some far off location and RP as a mountain man, i will not care.

If you want to gank lowbies or be apart of some RP guild that sits around in an inn to RP all day, i dont care.

If you want to Twink at some weird level bracket, or boost people all day in cath or some other instance then by all means, do what you like.

At the end of the day, im not going to sit on my high horse and dictate how other people should play their game, as no one else should be doing the same.

I dont RMT and im complaining, so clearly that isnt true.

Theres many other ways of obtaining a large sums of gold besides doing GDKPS to sell said gold, as im sitting on 52k rn.

as i said before RMT isnt exclusive to ONLY GDKPS, nor is it the biggest source of RMT by a LONG SHOT.

Another stupid comment, made by you.

it needs multiple reports for from different people for blizzard to actually notice it.

Another one. We are not the same person by any means.

No mention of GDKP for 3 entire phases. Ghosting the community on the topic. Why bother writing words like this? Shameful.