GDKP in Season of Discovery

Pretty sure Brucebaner and Blackuncle are the same person

Nice personal attack and generalization.

Let me get this straight, we’re all meant the be enforcers of policy about which we have access to literally zero data? Do you understand how out of touch you are with reality?

Again, you got access to some data I dont?

u have a very negative attitude towards people you have a random hunch are cheaters but u are actually a cheater yourself

remember next time that everytime u login, u have no problem with rmt or cheating :mirror:

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Okay, go on.

Wait what?

Sounds like a problem.

  1. What cons? RMT? GDKP isnt RMT. Its like banning fishing because bots fish. Its ridiculous logic.
  2. This isnt the dev’s decision to make. Their job is to listen to the community. The community created gdkp and it is so popular that it dominates every version of classic wow. Why is that? Here’s why:

What cons? RMT? You said yourself it still happens and to be honest I cant tell the difference.

Lmao, yeah okay. Myself and all my friends are all RMT scum! Same bad faith argument for the last 6 months.

Its a long post just to say Blizz should target RMT, which everyone agrees on.

Sure, but please tell me an example of you seeing RMT. Bots or RMT advertising? Yeah I report those all the time. But I mean RMT in action. You telling me you know when a lvl 1 alt is a bank vs an RMT mule? Or when a player walks up to the mailbox and grabs RMT gold? No, you dont and neither do I. We have zero data so stop with the nonsense.

Uh this person was referring to a conversation where the guy knew his guild mates were botting and continued playing with them so he could end up in the top 10. Maybe stop assuming you’re the smartest guy in the room. Also it turns out it is the devs decision to make cause GDKP got banned in SOD can I get a woot woot :grin:

No I do have a problem with it and I took my punishment. Why would I be so open about it if I didn’t have a problem with it. I used my story to show that RMT uses GDKP to hide. I’m not going to copy and paste a past convo I had with good old Blackuncle but he continued to play with known bots so he could land in the top ten it’s a very different situation and was a shot at him. I also specifically said I wasn’t lumping all pro GDKP in with him so you jumping in makes it look to me that you stand in defense of turning a blind eye towards cheating as long as you benefit as well. Maybe take the time to look into some of Blackuncle’s former convos than you can have a clearer picture of what is going on.

Another zero value contribution to the discussion that only shows you have nothing to add and no remaining arguments.

Face it pal you look foolish to anyone who took the time to actually read the full story copying and pasting a part of the conversation and then adding your pathetic insult at the end does not make you look intelligent just some food for thought lol

If you read the full story you’ll see a discussion about GDKP and RMT and then you trying to pull the conversation back to your narrative just like you’re doing now, unsuccessfully.

You’ll also find that your posts offer nothing of value to the larger conversation.

Nope me and Blackuncle started a conversation about how he and let me reiterate it comes from a story he told me kk no assumptions were made anyway 10 years ago he was in a guild and all his guild mates ran botting programs and he continued to play with them so he could get in the top ten. So I reminded him that maybe the pro GDKP community doesn’t want him as an advocate since his actions prove he had no problem with bots as long as he benefited. Then Brucebaner jumped in with a he did nothing wrong and then the person who laid out their opinion came along added their opinion. Now this is where you jumped in and assumed she was assuming someone was cheating without proof and threw some shade their way. So than I decided to add some clarification and say no you are the one making baseless assumptions cause you didn’t take the time to read the full story. BTW now I come full circle and say again you will look foolish to anyone who takes the time to get the full scoop.

You have more than 10 posts in the last 24 hours trying to direct the conversation back to an individual as if that individual controls the narrative. You’re claiming folks are alts of this individual, you’re dismissing arguments because they dont apply to this individual, you’re steering every thread back to this individual because you’ve run out of arguments. It’s not working.

It’s been clear from the very beginning that you’re not here to discuss the pros and cons of GDKPs in these GDKP discussion threads.

No one cares about these stories of people who had RMT friends, they don’t matter in the bigger picture at all.

The majority of your posts have been attempts to personally attack players and not to factually discuss GDKP itself. Like he said, this is why your posts have no value.

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That is simply untrue I have not attacked anyone as you claimed. What I have done is come to a forum and add my opinion and share my stories. Blackuncle told his story a while back and yeah he makes the pro GDKP group look bad especially when you defend his behavior simply because he shares your opinion on one thing. I tried to point out that he was unique in this and that I actually assumed not all pro GDKP turn a blind eye towards cheaters. But yeah since we disagree on one thing I guess you consider me in the wrong. Here’s what I think happened you read a little bit of the conversation and assumed you knew all you needed to know but you should probably know who you are getting your panties all in a bunch for.

Nah, I’ve read enough of your posts and they’ve been very opinionated with very few facts involved, as well as incoherent with poor grammar. That’s why I haven’t bothered responding. Your posts may have not involved direct personal attacks, but your main goal here has been to make GDKPers personally look bad. That’s all. You’re here to discuss people and not GDKP itself.

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Lmao dude really? Cool story bro x1000

If you have no remaining arguments then let the adults in the room speak.

I like how you intentionally leave Blackuncle’s comments out of it. How very adult of you lol. The words one sided agenda come to mind. Silly me I thought this was a place for two sided conversations where both sides were encouraged to share their opinions.

Unlike you, I’m not here to discuss other players. Stop trying to drag everyone down into your immature mudfight. RMT exists in SoD, which means people have closet RMT friends everywhere outside of GDKPs. It doesn’t matter. Stick to the real discussions on GDKP.

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Thank you, I’m so done with this conversation this morning. Also, I just noticed his name and I understand him a bit better now.

Blackuncle: and? i didnt bot they all got banned and bought new accounts so we can finish cata as one of the top 10 raiding guilds for 10man. Brucebaner: It’s not his job to police cheaters. That is blizzards job. You are delusional, like most people who share your (lacking)thought process. These are the players you are defending btw I told them this is the very attitude that makes GDKP seem so unattractive to the anti GDKP crowd. Now if you all could stop pulling up clips of conversation and framing them out of context that’d be appreciated and you might come across as less foolish I don’t know anything is possible.

Are you even capable of posting about GDKP without mentioning people?

You’re here for the drama and it’s pathetic.

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