GDKP in Season of Discovery

what do people from 10 years ago have to do with the GDKP ban for sod?

why would i be mad? they didn’t affect me.

What does any of this have to do with GDKPs?

^^^^^ This guy gets it.

Players have an obligation to report cheaters or bots if they come across them. Just like you have an obligation to call the police if you see a crime.

The “not my problem” attitude and not taking ownership of communities are why some people live in failed cities while others live in better ones. That’s why people who support GDKP are scum. It’s obvious that it incentivizes bots and RMT, but they don’t care because they get a cut.


Be moar disingenuous, please!

This guy gets it

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No, lots of guilds quit or are on break because yhe state of the games balance is detestable, the raid while ok has terrible drops on average, incursions put A LOT of people off, not because of the gold but the mindless loop, lack of creativity to come up with it etc.

All in all a giant lack of anything to do. At least be honest if gonna attempt to get your way.


I don’t like lumping an entire group in the same category but if the pro GDKP group is all in agreement with your attitude of not my problem I didn’t cheat I just played with them even after I knew they were cheaters well that is the attitude that triggered the ban. I seriously doubt the majority of players shares this attitude.

Ooh another bad apple you 2 are hurting more than helping the pro GDKP cause lol please keep commenting.

“people who use a loot system I don’t like in a video game are scum”

You need professional help.


Said nothing in support of GDKP in my post. Keep on trolling

No people who witness and are okay with bad behavior because they didn’t actually do anything are scum


Introspection, realize calling others scum for preferring one loot system in a video game over another may be a sign you are scummy…


Then why comment at all is this not a GDKP thread? Do you just feel the need to defend Blackuncle? Do you simply dislike me? What was the purpose of your comments?

You just don’t want to hear anything that goes against your view do you? K gl in that echo chamber


I made it pretty clear to separate what I thought about Blackuncle from how I felt about the pro GDKP group in fact I said I doubted the whole pro GDKP group shared his attitude towards cheaters

My goodness are you Blackuncle’s alt?

“everyone who has a different opinion than me must just be the same person hiding behind alts because my opinion is just so correct there is no way more than a single person could have differing views”

Is that about what you are thinking? Like I said, you must enjoy echo chambers. I’ll leave you to it.

No you randomly started defending Blackuncle meanwhile no comments from Blackuncle a typically long winded ornery fellow. Also you have not even stated an opinion just poorly thought out “insults” lol. This is also very similar to how Blackuncle typically posts.

RMT’s are definitely happening in SoD still w/o GDKP’s. No one has denied this, only argument was a rapid increase due to GDKP’s. You yourself have proven that in the quoted statement. So I’ll walk through your statements to clarify what I mean. So lets say I want to make an alt for a GDKP and I have no issue with RMT’s as that’ll be my main resource. So fresh char, guess what I need to do? That’s right level, so I’ll buy me a boost. Once that’s done I need a profession cause I want to pump, so I’ll buy me some materials. Alright I don’t want to go in with crap gear, what can I buy off AH? So now that I’m pre-bis or fairly well off, I need some consumes for raiding. I’ll buy those off the AH as I don’t want to farm them. Because at this point, why would I farm it’s a waste of time I’d rather do RMT for QOL. Now that I’m ready to start raiding in a GDKP I need gold, lets buy some more. So GDKP’s are a very large or majority of the reason for RMT’s. If blizzard is saying RMT’s are easier to track because of no GDKP’s, that’s a good thing. They can actually police the game at a more effective rate and need less people reporting. Also blizzard never said it is the player’s responsibility to go after cheaters. Just see something report(say) something is all and they’ll figure it out. Also a broken ice cream machine is a terrible example as the ice cream machine is broken due to mechanical issues. It isn’t making a conscience decision to break itself. RMT’s are an agreement between two people to break ToS and cheat. Until Blizzard decides that pros of having GDKP’s out weight the cons then they’ll still be gone. There isn’t enough evidence of pros you all have been suggesting to out weight the cons.

If you have nothing to do this would make some sense. A lot of people don’t want to find a guild. GDKP’s have flex schedules. Blizzard shouldn’t have to rely on this to retain players. The real thing that would help is content. When you do stages of phase release with limited content the players get bored. Most of the content in this game is at lvl 60 stuck behind that wall. That is the main reason for this issue. It happened in retail once Blizzard wouldn’t release new content the player base dropped off. Even if GDKP’s were active there would still be a drop off. The people still playing in GDKP’s would only be there to keep farming gold for the next phase or to sell. So GDKP’s aren’t the answer in short. People would go play other versions of wow or another game. Guess what? That is okay to do and Blizzard understands this. People will come back for P4 because there will be a ton of things to do outside of the newly added stuff for SoD. To say GDKP’s are the solution for retention of a player base is false. Would there be some people still be playing the game? The answer is yes, but it’s no where near where it would have to be to out weigh the cons GDKP’s bring.

So people who don’t like GDKP’s, majority would still play. The same goes for people who like GDKP’s. You play this game to enjoy it to have fun, has nothing to do with GDKP’s. Only thing GDKP’s do, is it gets you to play more alts to enjoy the raiding portion of it. If you can’t play the game and enjoy it like everyone else, this isn’t the game for you. The people that would RMT for GDKP’s are the ones who complain or quit. The people who run GDKP’s to sell gold are complaining and are quitting. People we don’t want playing the game, so it’s a win-win.

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Pst 10 bucks says he replies that makes no sense

If you see someone cheating report it and then Blizzard handles it. That is the extend as to which Blizzard has allowed players to have a hand in this. Only other say we’ve had is through forums and discussion of removing GDKP’s as the cons out weight the pros. Even after reporting and discussing we are not the final say, Blizzard is. So Blizzard is indeed policing their game. Did they ask for some help? Yes, they asked for our help otherwise they wouldn’t of added a reporting function to the game.

Further on Blackuncle playing with cheaters, that’s on him. Not a good look, but he can do whatever he wants. I’d question any reasonably logical decision this person has on a topic that involves bots or RMT’s.

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