GDKP in Season of Discovery

It’s freely given advice. Do gaming forums prohibit proper English? I don’t understand why you’re upset. If I made a mistake, I would love for someone to tell me. It’s like having a booger all day and nobody tells you about it, so you end up walking into a job interview with it hanging there.

Who asked?

I legit can’t imagine the crisis anti andys are gonna have when the token comes. Like the amount of rope you guys have ran out.

Sharp jerk at the bottom of the drop.

No way it gets a token.

This was advertised as a seasonal server that will prolly last another year maybe.

It’s just a beta for classic+

Token p4 to milk the last drops seems very likely. Future Seasons will for sure.

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please explain how not wanting GDKP has anything to tokens coming into the game or not.

Again, I didn’t mention the cost of enchants. You said I did, that was a lie. If you’re going to play at the sweatiest of levels, you have to be willing to put in the work. It’s always been that way.

GDKP is not coming back, it shouldn’t come back, and you need to accept it and do the gold grinds or go back to WOTLK and sell gear there like you were before. Stop trying to taint Classic with this kind of degenerate behavior.

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lol gay exclamation

This has not aged well at all. Population has declined by 90% since the GDKP ban was announced. Not a single word about it from the devs. Bots are still as much of a problem as they were before.

I guess effectively killing the entire game is a price folks are willing to pay just so they dont have to see the words “GDKP” in trade chat.

No alternative solution offered either. GG I guess.

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You are confusing correlation with cause. A typical troll reaction from era toons.
If you want GDKP you can go to an era server. That’s all there is all day every day.

My thread with thousands of comments and likes disagrees.

You gonna make the case that the GDKP ban was good for the game? If so, why did the population decline by 90%?


Pro GDKP people trying gaslight the devs into thinking P3 is dead because GDKP arent alowed LOLLLLLLLLLL

biggestt copium this month.

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I can’t explain it to you any better a second time bro sorry.

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Thank you.

Botting killed gdkps, if bots weren’t such an issue and people who do gdkps buying gold it wouldn’t have gotten banned.


nah, p3 is dead because SoD stinks :expressionless: the GDKP ban is just the rotten cherry on top

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Pop has declined because all difficulty was taken out of the only thing to do in the game (ST) and because pvp has 1 sec time to kill (so why play?) and class balance and enjoyment is…not great.

Not sure how you like era. It’s a depressing corpse of only boosts and GDKP spams.
Not even a chance to do that unless you play warrior or shaman/pally.

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As opposed to the peak population in P1 where the content was so hard and pvp was so balanced…right? :rofl:

I think it goes to show that people prefer a longer time to kill and having a fighting chance, absolutely.

P1 felt more vanilla with a sprinkle of extra. Right now I don’t know what to call it. A mess maybe.