GDKP in Season of Discovery

Have you considered that what you are complaining about (easy content and unbalanced pvp) existed in phase 1, yet we had literally 10x the players?

How can you dismiss GDKP being banned as a major factor in the decline?

This guy has been very persistent in having GDKP’s re-instated. A thread that he started was just locked. Guess what it was about? You guessed right GDKP’s not being in SoD. I wonder if he’s a swiper or a seller? He’s constantly posting on a non-SoD toon. Is he trying to increase his clientele? Perhaps Cata is losing people or will be when P4 comes out and be out of business? Not doing SoD because no GDKP is a weird thing indeed and is very sus. At least if you’re don’t be posting with a puppet.

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how can you dismiss that the change to 20 mans hurt the pop more than removing GDKP did, look at gnomer participation still up there in the 100s of thousands but i guess you conveniently leave that out because it doesn’t suit your narrative.

I didnt leave it out, its a decline from p1 and we are continuing that trendline.

then why did P3 tank so hard but P2 didnt if there were no GDKPs?

They both did

p2 did

p2 was just shorter than p3 so it never really got fully into its downward swing but there was a pretty big population hit, they both trended identically, just different numerically

You realize you just showed me a graph that says 165000 people raided the last week of the tier lol and the week before that was almost 250000. Now lets look at the same week of this phase. That was week 8 of last phase week 8 of this phase show 80000 parses. hmmmm i wonder if the change to 20 mans killed the game…

I’m somebody who personally hosts as many as 8 raids a week and my GDKP-based guild hosted dozens more than that. I’m telling you that I quit because of the GDKP policy change and my guild is no longer active. That’s as many as 300 raiding characters a week deleted because of this policy and that’s just my own personal experience.

All of these would be reflected in the p2 chart because I (and many other GDKPers) gave p2 a chance but didn’t find it fun to /roll on gear and lose it to grey parsers that have no consumes.


cool story? the numbers show literally 100s of thousands of parses in p2 without GDKP get over it. 20 mans killed SoD not no GDKP.

well now you’ve just changed what the goal of the question was

“why didn’t p2 tank?” → it did

now you’ve changed it from “ok maybe it did tank but did it tank as badly as this?”

That’s a cool opinion. Interesting how classic wow had 40 mans and thrived (with GDKP) and other iterations have 25 mans and thrived (with GDKP). Yet somehow SoD can’t do it. Wonder why? Could it be that raid organizers like me have largely quit? Perhaps an incentive to organize a raid is a good thing for the game? :thinking:


if you think people chilling on the last week the phase when the week before was almost double is p2 tanking then i think you need to get your head checked out.

LoL at nerds saying SOD is dieing because in a PHASE SEASONAL MODE the population declines at the end of a phase.

Go play on your inflated economy cataclysm server and stop crying then lmao.

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ahh yes because back in 2006 when there wernt many gaming options. and in 2019 when people had all the time in the world because of covid. those definetly didnt have any effect on it did they… use your brain plz

this is just copium, are people just chilling now because its the end of the phase? you wouldn’t say that because your narrative is to push for 10 man content

you might be right if the numbers were similar at the start of the phase. but they arnt…

the numbers of any wow phase going further into the game are always going to be lower than when they started

let me make an insanely bold prediction

the war within will be less popular in its .1 patch than it will be in its launch patch

Except that we’re 90% down. That’s not normal.

ofc its not normal, but sod has been losing players for every week it existed except for the first 5 weeks of each tier, comparing p2 sod numbers to p3 sod numbers is useless