GDKP in Season of Discovery

Trash take by trash company.

Instead of hiring 1 person at 20/30$ an hour to police classic realms for bots you just remove the best pug loot system in the game instead. You make millions in sub money/xfers/cosmetic/mounts a month but you can’t hire someone for 3-4k a month. So instead you do the cheapest thing possible and put in more automated garbage systems to detect how other people enjoy the game.

Maybe if your RMT penalties were 3 month, 6month, perma ban you’d actually have compliance. Instead you let your favorite streamer ad revenue source who openly admits to RMT off with a slap on the wrist.


This is my point exactly. You think GDKP is about the raid leader profiting off the raid. That is so far from the reality. Everybody in my runs either leaves with more gold than they came with or nearly breaks even (walking away with more items).

The gold contributed is split by the entire raid!


Feels like a bad decision based on people’s feelings rather than data. But you do you Microsoft


Yeah, ok man. Its not like its easy info to get or we had a specific reason to look yesterday lol.

The P2W kiddos have been saying that same nonsense since Classic '19. We didn’t buy it then and we don’t buy it now, apparently neither does Blizz :wink:


RMT are banned regardless of your mental gymnastics. Cheers!

Cool so now those of us that carried gdkps to get gold are going to have to buy it. Bc some of the player base have real lives and can’t spend time farming, crafting, and working the AH.

Y’all spend more time trying to penalize players that make the game fun, cries in hunter nerf after hunter nerf

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I find it funny that everyone defending gdkp saying it’s their playstyle or it’s how they make gold/spend their time fails to realize they are part of the problem too. Everyone complaining about removing it in these forums pretty much acknowledges two things - 1. they are a carry and that is what they do with their time 2 - ALL have acknowledged that the vast majority of the buyers are buying gold through RMTs.

Everyone in here says the gold buyers need to be banned and that’s the main problem. Yet TAKING the gold from the gold buyers is OK? That’s the most ridiculous argument I’ve ever heard. That would be like a pawn shop owner who knowingly works with a counterfeit ring, complain to the Treasury Department when they bust him and take his counterfeit money. Yes, he did not produce the counterfeit money, but he certainly benefitted from it.

Same with you gdkp carries - you don’t buy the gold, but you all directly benefit from the gold that was bought through RMTs. And then you have the nerve to sit here and say Blizz should address the real problem of the gold buyers and bots.

You carries are all just as responsible as the person buying. Everyone of you is knowingly carrying those who’ve bought gold to get them gear to take the gold for yourselves.


My feedback (5th reply to this thread) was deleted. No forum violations in it. That’s some keen interest you got there!

As a full time Classic Era player and staple of said community, this is terrific news and we hope it goes well in SoD to see an eventual migration of this policy to WoW Classic Era.

I’ve been on Classic Era since it started, and in March of 2023 with the great influx of players, so too came an absurd amount of bots to the Whitemane cluster, where RMT influenced GDKP’s exploded - especially amongst the Alliance for some reason.

I detest GDKP for it’s influence on a server’s economy that became blatantly obvious during 2023 on US-Whitemane Classic Era WoW. I detest it even more in that I have to run GDKP’s myself just to be able to afford raiding consumes since I can’t farm them.


Before 3/23 players utilized professions and largely traded in barter with each other. The rampant explosion of bots in 2023 made this impossible on that cluster, as the spawns were camped and abused by fly-hacking bots. You can’t pick a black lotus when a bot is picking it from below the surface of the land before you can even get to it.


If we had the realistic option to just continue to farm out consumes ON OUR CLUSTER like before WE WOULD HAVE!

While the bot abuse has decreased SLIGHTLY it is still rampant and MASSIVELY influential on our server economy to this day.

Before 3/23, THC would go for like 50k in a GDKP and that person would broke AF afterwards. You were lucky to have 5-10k on you. Now THC goes for 1.3 MILLION GOLD.

THAT is what GDKP does to a server economy where bots and RMT are not deterred.

Again, many of us ‘Era lifers’, are really hoping this comes to Era. It would be nice to not have to run BWL/MC every week to afford consumes for AQ40 and Naxx that we also farm but use non-GDKP systems for.


I see lowering the demand for RMT and therefore bots as an absolute win.

For everyone parroting the streamers who feel that they should “just ban all the gold buyers and bots,” you are simply ignoring that this has been an unfixable problem in WoW since its inception.

I’ve actually seen people with a straight face point to Old School Runescape as an example of a game that has achieved “eradicating bots and gold buyers.”

These people simply aren’t living in reality and have to accept that there isn’t going to be a perfect solution to fixing these problems.

Just look at all of the people trying to come up with ways to get around the GDKP ban already; this is exactly what happens in the RMT and botting communities, and yet they think the problem is as easy as hiring an army of GMs to ban all the rulebreakers.

You gotta start somewhere, and I appreciate the SoD Devs for making an concerted effort to actively make changes to improve the game in this regard, even if it isn’t an end-all be-all solution.

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I laughed at this post.

You are using our guild tag and complaining about GDKPs being banned?

The OranThul has always stood against GDKPs. Stolen valor at its finest.


P.S. I wouldn’t be against having GDKP and GDKP-Free servers in the next iteration of WoW. These things CANNOT co-exist but they can certainly play separately.

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love it and hate it

I logged in just to respond to this comment. Your guild Titan is the only discord I’ve ever joined where literally NO ONE ever said anything. No one greeted each-other, no one spoke to each-other. You wouldn’t brief any mechanics or call anything out as a raid leader and I personally watched you Gkick people without saying anything to them at all. I understand that you are going for Server 1st, world 1st ect but for you to say that GDKP is the most social way to play is LAUGHABLE. I literally chuckled when I read your comment.

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You didn’t see anything because you didn’t have a rank to see discord and you got kicked because you didn’t listen to comms in the singular raid you attended.

Now it is clear you didn’t bother to check if your speakers worked :joy:

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That’s a stupid change, is this the same feedback that said hunters were overpowered, while ignoring warriors and rogues?

Is this the same feedback that said do something about premades, that you ignored?

GDKP don’t effect ANYONE in the game, you sit here and act like items are being bid for for 1000s of gold, the most ive seen something go for was 35g and that was like week 3 of the BFD. The usual split at the end of most GDKPs in BFD are like 3-5g per person, geee golly so not fair these people making 3g every raid. Such an ignorant move to limit a form of the game that a lot of people enjoy, because they don’t want to join a guild? How are you going to force people to join a guild, or pug with people who roll on anything they can equip. Way to ruin a good game, again, by listening to the people who whine the most, who don’t even DO the thing they’re complaining about. So stupid

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You must think I’m someone else, I left the guild no one kicked me. Good luck though!

LOL. It affects everyone on the server and it absolutely creates gold. Bots are farming just so they can sell to people to use that gold in GDKPs. It wouldn’t exist if not for GDKPs.

Hilarious to watch the whales freaking out.


You’re trolling

Not at all - In the 2 weeks I was in your guild I never once saw anyone have any sort of meaningful conversation in guild chat or in discord. I’m not surprised though, people with expectations like yours tend to have a hard time making meaningful relationships.

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