GDKP in Season of Discovery

Are loot councils still allowed?

because we all know loot councils are bribable (at least the ones I have seen are) and so does that constitute selling an item for gold? Can we get the horrible system of loot councils banned?


GDKPs require a tax on bad players to have a price on gear that they want instead of having it given to them for free in a public setting. It also eliminates the threat of Ninja looting due to the idea that people get a share of the pot at the end of a GDKP. It also allows better players to use their time to carry others who need/want loot by having them price war against one another.

There is nothing wrong with GDKPs. If you hate them, stop being antisocial or, a what is actually happening, being a bad player, and join a guild to raid with.

Because now we’re in the same boat retail has been in for 15 years and we’re going to look at overqualified parces/gearscore to bring people into raids. Because at the end of the day. People do not want their times wasted and are looking for the lowest barrier to entry which GDKPs solved. Amazing, glad we came full circle and eliminated a solution of getting raids up and running.

Also imagining gold buying is going to go away because GDKPs are going away. You also probably think people arent spending millions of gold in retail to get CE/AotC/HR on mythic raid items.


Huge W Blizz


It is a great decision, and I’m happy with Blizzard, but I’m still wary. Been burned too many times to immediately regain faith in them.

For example, if you ask me why they’re only banning GDKPs in SoD, then my answer is it’s because there is no WoW Token in SoD. Blizz knows players buy Tokens to sell for gold to use in GDKPs. So banning them in SoD doesn’t impact that.

The day they ban GDKPs in Wrath/Cata Classic I’ll be very impressed with Blizz.


Several posts mention illicit RMT gold prices for SoD falling overnight with this (good!) GDKP ban. This strongly suggests a connection.

I report a lot of bots in Retail, so I wonder if this decision will cause the RMT/bot herders to pivot back to Retail. We’ll see. I’m not looking forward to more reports if this happens, though.

Edit: I have not seen a post from my canary. Hmmm…


The day they meaningfully clamp down on botting and gold buying I’ll be impressed. Imagine thinking GDKP is the priority? As if that actually affects you? Nobody is forcing you to do it, and it doesn’t create gold.


A certain gnome mage has been conspicuously absent since this was announced. Probably drinking and blinking back tears. :joy:

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You guys ever notice any mages in your guilds that are only ever in Stockades? I’ve had to kick probably 30-40 from my guild over a course of heavy recruiting. They’re all unique players, too.

That’s not even counting the ones obviously out in the world.

But yeah. GDKP is the biggest issue according to people that see people are doing it.

bro you are smoking the copium. This is in no way even remotely comparable to “9/11 random security checks”.

They are outright banning a social interaction that directly goes against the targetted cultural environment goal of a game THEY OWN not just because they “feel like it”, But because of massive community outcry for this change.

On classic Era, the communities that most often organized these GDKP rackets were the most degenerate, racist, and toxic groups of people that would more often than not, randomly kick people to keep their cuts, and artificially inflate the biddings to boost their admin fees. Why dont you look up a little about Rock Apes.

If no GDKPs mean that these types of people leave the game, I 100% support it even if it does absolutely nothing else to stop the gold buying and botting problems.


Thank you great change for a seasonal server!

Thank you guys for being brave enough to try this out, I think it will be healthy for the community of SoD. Can you guys help the community come up with or provide for us examples of Loot Rules that you guys can and will enforce so we can shift away from the typical “MS>OS” that can lend itself to Ninjas and bad actors.

For example, if I made loot rules for a run “MS > OS High Roll Wins”, you guys would be able to take loot away from a ninja that didn’t actually win the high roll, but technically anyone could roll on any item because MS > OS is too ambiguous? Please help us find the correct verbiage to minimize effective ninjas and uncertainty.

Lolol the fact that you know the cost of “SoD gold” is pretty telling. Clearly a gold buyer.

It’s really not that hard to go kill some stuff or fish and make a few hundred gold man, you don’t have to keep buying it.

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I am in full favor of the new GDKP ban.

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Hi! At Bank of Jeff we exchange tailored items crafted with the “Made by Jeff” tag for 10g each. You my buy or sell these tailored items at any time for 10g.

Unrelated, we run raids where drops are awarded in exchange for these tailored items, not gold.

For real though, what is a better item we could use? Is there a stacking item that is controllable, like with the “made by” tag? Or, any higher $$ item where the vendor sell price = the vendor buy price? Looking for suggestions here to allow us to preserve all of the benefits of GDKP raids without breaking the rules.

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By these types of people you’re meaning normal players that know there’s nothing uncouth about GDKP raids?

Some high-value tokenizeable item like Iridescent Pearls for instance. I can’t get over people that just say, “GDKP bad!”

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Can people pay others to help them farm an item like badge of justice?

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Good suggestion. Perhaps we just settle on the item at the beginning of the raid, or even right at the end. Buy list pearls and trade items for pearls based on bids. That will work.

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What exactly do you think will change? You think people that pump to their logs in their bedroom are going to stop showing up making your raids toxic? Think again.

In your fantasy this solves some problem for you because you don’t do GDKP. I didn’t either, I used to think it was some scummy scam until I tried it.

It’s not. It doesn’t hurt anyone, quite the opposite. The AH and the bought/sold gold is still going to be flowing. I think you might recalibrate your priorities.

If anything GDKP helps the average person adjust for the inflation of the RMT that is not addressed by this prohibition.


The games need button wasnt designed with a bidding system so stop putting one. Seems like a simple rule to ask. This isnt vanilla p servr or vanilla classic. Its time to move on from destructive player behaviors and seeing everyone as gold income instead of players